49 thoughts on “Great Example of Hypergamy

  • Sorry, it’s not nature, it’s just how some women are

  • Show me the gene expression of a woman always looking to “trade up”. Stop saying shit for the sake of saying shit.

  • Yep! My ex wife left me more a short, broke dude. Lol

  • Hypergamy is fine. The problem I think is probably social media and related technologies that expose women to more attractivw men who are willing to sleep with them and give them attention but not commit.

    Men who simp and/or sleep around with other women without committing also contribute to this.

  • Chad literally won the genetic lottery

    Pumps and dumps Stacies
    Has dozens of friends
    Making 6 digits per annum by 30

  • Learn from my experience…

    After two divorces, my anecdotal experience should be a cautionary tale. There's no making a woman happy from anything external you could do for her. My second wife left me when I was making much more than when she first met me. If she's broken, you will not fix her…

    Dismiss this at your own financial peril…

  • If thats true that also means she is the worse person in the relationship & the worse person to plan a future with aa well the best candidate to leave the children with 🤔

  • women in general seem to be anarchist at best.. totally bitter just to be born as women for some reason… their plans of narcissism are as follows : im pretty but your not so you’re happy to die so that i can live

  • Men do it as well, and you usually see this in people who want all eyes on them or for the world to always envy them, which is so sick.

  • Women wait at the finish line and screw the winner. They are never satisfied. If a billionaire can't keep a woman, none of us will.

  • She’s way better off being an Amish than being a modern woman. What a waste because she’s cute but not really!

  • That's an incorrect perception of Hypergamy.

    Hypergamy is: when selecting a relationship with a person who is higher in a social or educational background, among other traits like strength and intelligence.

  • Run from immature girls like this and wait on a mature woman that values and appreciates you.

  • Do her words even make sense? She started doing things with a guy who treated her like a princess? What does that even mean?

  • It’s stupidly,,,what kind of guys did he say??? These are some trick ass people…where do they come from cause I in no way can relate to any of this … freaking weird people

  • This is the perfect example of what not to hook up with ,,,this is a prospector,,,a looker …she will never be happy unless she’s gold digging …in other words a super dumb chick only good for one nighter and that’s it…do not ever try to wife a chick like this,,NEVER. EVER

  • Question: Do men, too, suffer from hypergamy? I'm 48, have done this my entire life like dating was a contest. I'm gay, really bi, but that doesn't impact DNA.

  • Dont let this fool u its not just women theres plenty of men who will leave a great woman to get some from sombody new men will also trade up or down lets not be tribal just because were men and be honest it goes both ways

  • Demographics indicates a financial future in a franchise of pet stores specializing in cats!!

  • Why are you saying "women"? Men do this all the time too – in fact more so.

  • It’s called he wasn’t the guy who looks like a Hercules and can pipe her down and make her feel Like a women that’s how all the pretty girls are that’s why most of them stay single and just mess around only

  • Turn off the stupid filter, woman. Even when you’re online posting about your f-ups you can’t be your genuine self, you’ve got to put some stupid filter on while you tell us all about how you shat all over a good man who almost certainly would’ve taken great care of you had you let him, yet now you want to whine to the whole Internet as if we should feel sorry for you. How bout NO? Honey, beauty fades, and you ain’t all that cute to begin with. Stop with the stupid filters, stop treating men like crap, and then you might actually get somewhere.

  • She looks like a hostage. How much did you pay her to say that shit

  • Nah, she’s a 8 crazy and 7 hot on the CH Matrix. Clearly in the no go zone 🎉

  • There only only 2 types of guy for girls like this: The guys that want her and the guys that she wants, and they are not the same guy.

  • This is true, just as it’s true that men have a biological need to ‘go forth and multiply’ which often leads to undiscerning promiscuity.
    However, we have intellect and awareness. We can choose not to be slaves to our biology once we understand it. Taking one step away from the primal and back towards the civilised would help us no end as a species, at this point. Not all progress is good!

  • We are created to be divine creatures in material bodies. Animalistic behavior is not humaine.

  • The Unmarried (Single implies a void) and Childless life is the best! You do not need a life parasite nor do you need a carbon copy of yourself draining your bank account dry. A kid is the women's property, then the State, and you are a very distant third. Plus do you really want a kid raised in today's messed up woke culture? What the drag queen says comes before you.

  • I have fallen in love with 19th century women!… I can't help it, I find such comfort and beauty in them! Such sweet little muffins 😊! But what can I do? For they're All Dead and gone. The most that I can do is read history books, watch documentaries, visit the various cemeteries, go to historical locations, ect. I think about them constantly!… I wish to call it love. But at the highest, it's probably nothing more than a high admiration. Oh dearly beloved! How I wish I could have lived in her time! To be around her sweetness. Her mannerisms, vocal tonality, dress styles, the complicated hairstyles,…. Oh! just everything about her! I love 19th century women! I will be constantly studying them… For there is nothing else… Oh God! I was born in the wrong time period 🥺…. Well,… I'll just make my money, study my dearly beloved favorite ladies, and use modern-day females for sex. I really don't care for the modern-day female. But I don't hate her. I'm just in love with 19th century women! I have no hatred in me. I guess you can say that I am…. A blue pill guy in the red pill section. Or… Maybe purple pill. I don't know. I'm just so happy for 19th century women! I'm hoping that this is love 💕. I'm not sure. I don't think it's coping. Otherwise, why do I get a complete Joy reading about the old time ladies? It's hard to explain. But yes, I'll just hook up with the modern-day female. I'm not waiting for things to change. I just wish that I could time travel. I know, the 19th century was not all peaches and cream. It was tough! What does a man, I would have to test myself in that time period! Men been taken risks for thousands of years! Why stop now? And that time period, I might die within 5 months, tops. But at least I got to live through the time period that I wish to live in. Ain't got to be surrounded by 19th century women! Oh dearly beloved! How I wish I was with you! The best that I could do, is read history books, watch documentaries, stand in the places that they stood, make my money, and hook up with the modern-day female. I will be alternating through these three until I pass…. Good luck out there gentleman! Cheers! ♥️💙💜🎩

  • Its not a biological need for a woman to be hypergamous. It’s called greed. Plain and simple.

  • That's why women can't be single for more than a week or two before having a new bf…that and the fact that they need men way more than we need them.

  • AJ Miller și Mary Suzanne Luck Australia Isus & Maria Australia Revelatii 21:9; 22:16-17 sau Apocalypsa dupa Ioan

  • I am a woman and this is BS. If there is some subconscious ’biological’ thing going on then it’s going on in the background. But this could just as easily be said that men are always comparing how attractive their woman is vs. other women. Women could be afraid that men will always cheat because there will always be someone more attractive.

    I think there is way more to dissatisfaction than this theory. People who think their romantic relationship with fulfill them completely and ‘make them happy’ may look to their partner to fulfill them completely.

    In my opinion women, who have been conditioned to see relationships as the dream, have been conditioned to think their guy should fulfill them 100%. When you know that you need your own passions in life, your girlfriends and so many other things to fulfill you – you appreciate your man for everything he does for you, you don’t cast him aside.

    People are just getting views, selling products and turning men and women against each other and it’s all bullshit. It just creates fear and that is what creates division and all the other toxic actions and fall out.

  • Unfortunately most women suffer from dunning kruger effect believing they are able to trade up.

  • She doesn't even say what she was chasing……you're twisting the narrative here.

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