Greatest Blockchain Data & A.I. Projects (The Future of Crypto)
In the world today, we’re seeing everything sped up including a shift to automation, which I believe will be combined with blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. I believe the next biggest trend will focus on automated technology using blockchain and AI. One of the biggest use cases will be in the supply chain. Learn about a few more areas that will eventually benefit from blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence.
Today, we are going to explain what’s happening in the world of blockchain when it comes to automation and artificial intelligence and why that’s an important trend to keep a watchful eye on. We’ll explore blockchain technology in healthcare, social media, data sharing, and more.
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00:00 Intro
00:59 Blockchain and AI use cases
03:23 DataCamp
06:09 Blockchain in healthcare system
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by BitBoy Crypto
simple network management protocol