Group Policy Tutorial For Beginners – Live Training

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

24 thoughts on “Group Policy Tutorial For Beginners – Live Training

  • when i do this on server 2019 i get the following error "Add operation failed unable to extract deployment information from the package…"

    ideas? (FIXED) I discovered the msi installers i was trying to use were not true msi packages to some degree. i had to specifically look for deployable msi from both firefox and 7zip. for the 7zip there is a section called windows 7 and another with no designation which i assumed were deployable. they were and was able to install to a vm computer as shown in the video

  • naming your OU "domain users" instead of just "users", is that a best practice or personal habit?

  • Hi I made a OU and I added a group to it. I linked a GPO where o set wallpaper. I run command gpupdate / force on both machines. It doesn't work. But if I add user directly to OU wallapper appears on his desktop. Do you know how to link it for group in OU ?

  • 어느 두부업체 가보니 전부가 일반면히 딱한명만

  • Is there any tutorial or guide (pdf) for windows 10 group policy editor

  • can we able to set GPO automaticaly using drive map for example" Z:\(server)(folder)%username%" < this kind of systax for new users to be created.

    scenario: i created new user, and when he/she logs in, automatically there will be a file share Z drive on his/her username This PC.



  • I am a student, how do I get SCCM ? Is it free? I want to use msi to silent install notepad++ like you did.

    I downloaded a free software called EMCO and converted the notepad exe to an msi but it dosent work when im in AD DS

  • Even though you applied the wallpaper GPO to the Computer OU and configured it for the user, wouldn't the Group Policy still apply because it's linked to the Computer OU meaning "every computer on the domain gets this policy"? Or if you applied it to the Computer OU and edit it, you have to configure computer settings?

  • Question, let's say I want a shared drive mapped to every computer regardless of who logs into the machine for example a public drive. In the security filter, should I enter Domain Users, Domain Computers, or both? Furthermore, when I edit the GPO should I edit the User configuration or the Computer configuration to map the drive? Would it work either way?

  • impression almost everyone does their soft in soft soft but record their voice in ProTools. Not sure why. Would like learning how to do

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