Guide to Creating a Powerful Trojan for Windows Using Metasploit Framework on Kali Linux | + Apache
**Guide to Creating a Powerful Trojan for Windows Using Metasploit Framework on Kali Linux | Sharing via Apache**
Welcome to my in-depth guide on creating a powerful Trojan for Windows using the Metasploit Framework on Kali Linux, and sharing it through Apache. This video will walk you through the entire process, from Trojan creation to deployment.
**What You’ll Learn:**
– **Introduction to Metasploit Framework:** Understanding the Metasploit Framework and its role in penetration testing and exploit development.
– **Creating a Trojan:** Step-by-step instructions on using Metasploit to create a Trojan payload for Windows.
– **Configuring Apache Server:** How to set up and configure Apache on Kali Linux to host and share the Trojan.
– **Deploying the Trojan:** Detailed guide on how to share the Trojan via a web server and trick a target into downloading it.
– **Practical Examples:** Live demonstrations of creating, configuring, and deploying the Trojan.
– **Security Considerations:** Ethical implications and legal considerations of using Trojans and conducting penetration tests.
This tutorial is ideal for cybersecurity professionals, ethical hackers, and penetration testers looking to enhance their skills.
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#Metasploit #KaliLinux #TrojanCreation #Cybersecurity #EthicalHacking #PenetrationTesting #TechGuide #ApacheServer #TechTutorial #WindowsSecurity #LinuxTools #OpenSource #TechTips #BeginnerGuide #AdvancedTechniques
Metasploit Framework, Kali Linux, Trojan creation, Windows Trojan, Apache server, penetration testing, cybersecurity, Metasploit tutorial, ethical hacking, tech guide, security training, tech tutorial, Linux tools, open source, tech tips, beginner guide, advanced techniques, Trojan deployment, Metasploit payload
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by Gheorghe Florin Angheluta
linux web server
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