Hadoop Installation Guide Step by Step | How to install Hadoop on ubuntu | Installing Hadoop local
Hadoop Installation Guide Step by Step | How to install Hadoop on ubuntu | Installing Hadoop local
#HadoopInstallationStepByStep #InstallingHadoopInUbuntu #UnfoldDataScience
Hello ,
My name is Aman and I am a Data Scientist.
About this video:
In this video, I demonstrate step by step process on installing hadoop in your local machine. I explain each and every step in detail about how to install single node hadoop in your local machine. Below topics are explained well in this video:
1. Hadoop Installation Guide Step by Step
2. How to install Hadoop on ubuntu
3. How to install hadoop single node cluster in ubuntu
4. How to install hadoop in vmware workstation
5. How to install hadoop on ubuntu virtualbox
6. How to install hadoop on windows 10 using vmware
please find the installation guide file here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XdPbyAc9iWml0fPPNX91Yq3BRwkZAG2M
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The Elements of Statistical Learning by Trevor Hastie – https://amzn.to/37wMo9H
Python Data Science Handbook – https://amzn.to/31UCScm
Business Statistics By Ken Black – https://amzn.to/2LObAA5
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Aurelien Geron – https://amzn.to/3gV8sO9
Ctaegory 2 – Overall Data Science:
The Art of Data Science By Roger D. Peng – https://amzn.to/2KD75aD
Predictive Analytics By By Eric Siegel – https://amzn.to/3nsQftV
Data Science for Business By Foster Provost – https://amzn.to/3ajN8QZ
Category 3 – Statistics and Mathematics:
Naked Statistics By Charles Wheelan – https://amzn.to/3gXLdmp
Practical Statistics for Data Scientist By Peter Bruce – https://amzn.to/37wL9Y5
Category 4 – Machine Learning:
Introduction to machine learning by Andreas C Muller – https://amzn.to/3oZ3X7T
The Hundred Page Machine Learning Book by Andriy Burkov – https://amzn.to/3pdqCxJ
Category 5 – Programming:
The Pragmatic Programmer by David Thomas – https://amzn.to/2WqWXVj
Clean Code by Robert C. Martin – https://amzn.to/3oYOdlt
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I had a problem with the HADOOP_OPTS, was that supposed to be an "=" and not a dash??
i am getting HADOOP_YARN_HOME invalid
help plz
is it compulsory to install jdk 8, can't we install latest version of java like jdk 17
@UnfoldDataScience i was facing some problems regarding the ssh localhost and i tried the commands from stack overflow too but it is not working .. even after serve ssh restart command it is asking for password and after entering the password it is showing that "hdoop is not in the sudoers file.Thiis incident should be reported" this is being shown
Goods Tutorial😍
thank you very much
Thanks a lot, definitely the video to watch if you want to install hadoop ! keep posting this kind of quality videos !
While running ~/hadoop-2.3.1/sbin/
It is showing an error that no such file/directory and before that while modifying the yarn files, it was asking for rewrite y/n? I gave yes to it. Please help with this
I am unable to put file in user(aman) to hdoop. i.e. i am unable to use last commands. i am getting the error "No such file or directory". later i came to know hdoop cant access files in user(aman). what should i do.
Can we get localhost web UI after this
its getting error when i am adding txt file for the first time what is the problem please help me out . error :put: File /data.txt._COPYING_ could only be written to 0 of the 1 minReplication nodes. There are 0 datanode(s) running and 0 node(s) are excluded in this operation.
Brother, I was struggling with the installation for the last month till coming across your video. It was a god send. I am glad that I could complete following your steps. The best part is how to tackle the errors during installation. Looking forward to more such stuff from you
No such file or directory for cat command what should I do
Chmod cannot access
how to check the web interface after the installation???
Hello, I am having an issue with the wget command the HTTP Request 404 Not Found
Thank you very much
Worked like charm
Your video stopped me from smashing my laptop 😉
Can also explain how to install pyspark on this unbuntu ?
thank u so much i learned alot and it worked for me
if you get the below error when you enter password
$ sudo nano .bashrc
[sudo] password for hdoop:
hdoop is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported
su –
This will switch you to the root user account.
Type the following command and press Enter:
This will open the sudoers file in the Nano text editor.
Scroll down to the end of the file and add the following line:
your_username ALL=(ALL) ALL
your_username is hadoop if you followed exactly what he did
Save the changes to the sudoers file by pressing "Ctrl+X", then "Y", and finally "Enter".
it will take you back to the orginal page than Enter exist
Now try entering the password again, it should work
sir i am not able to start namenode on local host ,it is starting on my virtual machine and at the end it is showing permission denied
in above "8" might be wrong
first put "update-alternatives –list java"
u might get "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java"
so the number is "11" not "8"
so update the command @11:20 to
when i try to edit any file there's an error occuring…
"hdoop is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."
Kindly, provide the solution.
BRO after "cat ~/.ssh/id " its showing no file or directory found
sudo nano .bashrc
When executing this command showing the below line
Sorry, user hdoop is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/nano .bashrc' as root on master.
I followed your steps, but in the first step, sudo apt update it's showing error e: sub error occurred. Please help sir
where are all commands link?
Hi Aman, Thanks for the Video. Kindly help on this ..i am getting this error.
hadoop@Ubuntu:~/hadoop-3.2.3/sbin$ hdfs dfs -put /home/vboxuser/firstfile.txt /
put: `/home/vboxuser/firstfile.txt': No such file or directory
sir please make video on multinode hadoop cluster installation