Handling Openstack through Rest API's
Handling Openstack through API’s
Handling Openstack through Rest API’s using python’s requests module
Create instance or virtual machine via openstack api using python’s requests module
Explore Openstack Rest API’s
Link to code files and explaination :
by Lalit Garghate
Please Help me i have CORS blocking keystone
Please share me the other scripts also like floting_ip.py,delete_instance.py …etc
How to fetch host, hypervisor, zone, vms, vnf such type of info from nova apis?
thank you
can you give you code
I want to fetch information of instances like Floating IP, internal IP, instance name, project name, hypervisor name, etc from API in OpenStack env. Can you please help on this? (It is multi project openstack env)
You are my savior Lalit ! I cannot thank you enough. I was able to complete the instance creation just because of you. Thanks again !!
The only change that I had to do was to remove "scope" from the JSON. It was giving me auth error. As I do not have admin privileges, I was unable to dig deeper to see other settings.