21 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Bitcoin (15 Years)

  • Hi Charles! Im Back into Cardano. Its been a while. I used to be a Cardano Whale, but now im just fat.

  • Mate, the fact that you are talking while in your 30’s about your character flaws and improving yourself to be a better version of yourself is something that loads of people don’t ever consider by the time they are 50, 60 or older. You are one of the strongest advocates and best big picture thinkers around. What you have expressed regarding regulations, system adoption, engaging with others in the “old system” etc to invoke positive change in the world is all gold.

    You are contributing hugely to the improvement of human existence on the planet and you’ll ruffle a few feathers with colleagues along the way. We all have strengths and weaknesses. You can’t be a computing / mathematical whizz and a forward thinker of big picture who is across the nitty gritty AND be a super-charismatic emotophile. Be who you are man. Celebrate your strengths. As long as you aren’t deliberately being an ar$3h0le to people or trying to shame them it’s up to each individual to decide how they’re going to react to someone who is a little different.

    I, along with countless others, love what you’re doing and am excited by what you’re bringing to the world. I also love listening to you talking about tech, about where things are going, what needs to happen…

  • You are a gift to humanity. I purchased my first ADA in 2017 with complete belief in your vision…thank you for your integrity and tenacity ..Much respect

  • 4:00 Im sorry, im going to show how little i know about Cardano…What is the difference between running Cardano on that vs running a Node? Im not sure what he means by that statement. Thanks!

  • Beautiful concepts, and very well explained.

  • Hi Charles, "ARAOK ATAO" (Brittany Celtic). "Carry on ……. on. Bloavez Mad. Yves

  • I am surprised how much you attacked. Either way, I'm subscribed. Keep excellent content coming.

  • A Koinania Cult, maybe? I've been telling friends & family that freedom is not guaranteed; just bc we've had it good for so long. Most don't want to consider this. js. Thank you, Charles. We should b more open-minded, imho. Happy New Year! tc & stay safe. Wen next Summit in Cheyenne? Freedom, faith, dignity & respect (& integrity), ftw! 👍✌️♥️

  • Thanks Charles, don't change from an UTXoS . We still need you, more than ever. Congratulations and thank you by heart for everything you've done and said out loud ❤🙏🏻💯

  • Democrats Will be so afraid 😱 of the blockchain technology cuz they can’t cheat their voting 🗳️ systems anymore 😂😂😂! Shame Biden

  • I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Mrs Patricia Anderson

  • I suddenly had a thought. The bitcoin situation is like a medieval story. The bitcoin king is still strong, but everyone knows that his days are numbered and an heir is needed. Who will be the heir – the corrupt thief Solana (this is my opinion, Solana is directly related to FTX), the senile senior heir Ether (although his days are also numbered) or the young and noble Cardano who wants to serve the people?

    Further variants of the story branch out. The best one is both bitcoin and ether recognise that the future is cardano. The common goal is to serve people, then bitcoin realises that cardano should be the heir and helps it. Promotes it and declares it the heir apparent. Ether helps too.

    Bad option. The old bitcoin king doesn't care about the people, all he wants is to keep power, he refuses to see that his days are numbered. He spends his last energies not on establishing a worthy heir, but on pointless and doomed attempts to retain power. The result is Solana's plundering of the people, misery and poverty. Perhaps Cardano eventually becomes king and rectifies the situation. But the bitcoin king, the people who represent him (like Sailor, Tone Vays, others), will forever remain in history as greedy blind men, the perpetrators of human suffering.

    I sincerely believe that Buterin, Michael Saylor, others should help cardano, promote it, in order to fight immoral thieves like solana, riple and others. If of course their goal is to serve the people and not just fill their pockets with money.

    That's how it seems to me. Maybe it's overly toxic and naive (at the same time), but that's just how I am.

  • Great content Charles!! I wish I could get an answer about BTC. What are your thoughts about BTC altering the code with SegWit and removing digital signatures? Do you think the BTC developers broke the Bitcoin trust, which could destroy BTC and create a domino effect? Do you think BSV is the true Bitcoin?

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