Harmonization of SBOMs and its Continuous Monitoring – Zeal Somani & Andres Vega

Presented at Open Source In Finance Forum 2023 – NYC
Presented by Zeal Somani – JupiterOne, Andres Vega – M42

Title: Harmonization of SBOMs and its Continuous Monitoring
Abstract: Software bundles constantly transition from developers to maintainers and ultimately to end users within the software supply chain. Additionally, they come under the scrutiny of policy makers and regulatory entities. To enhance their security, Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) are increasingly recommended. However, the data captured by SBOMs represents a specific moment in time, and these SBOMs can vary in format. Multiple regulatory organizations, including CISA, ENISA, and ISO, advocate for the use of SBOMs. In this presentation, we will discuss the potential for harmonizing SBOM formats across various compliance frameworks in the financial sector.

Slides can be found here: https://osff2023.sched.com/event/1PzGO/harmonization-of-sboms-and-its-continuous-monitoring-zeal-somani-jupiterone-andres-vega-m42

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