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Hasan is a HORRIBLE Person💀‼️| LIES & Misreporting 💀💀

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Hasan is the worst political streamer. He continues to spill misinformation and lies. He’s a hypocrite, criticizing others for promoting propaganda while he openly does the same thing.

Thumbnail art by: JustAWorm

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#Commentary #WillyMacShow #drama
0:00 – Intro
3:55 – Streaming is Harder than a Real Job
6:50 – Ludwig Folds to Hasan
13:50 – The Worst Debate
27:22 – Still Bad at News
35:47 – Everything is N*zi Germany
38:35 – Rewriting History
44:20 – Hates His Fans
47:05 – Doubles Down
49:57 – Conclusion


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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

39 thoughts on “Hasan is a HORRIBLE Person💀‼️| LIES & Misreporting 💀💀

  • HAMASNABI is a perfect example that even the dumbest and horrible people can become millionaires. He is an example of the american dream in a fcked up way!

  • "You talking all the way from London"
    Who will explain to Hassan that talking all the way from America is the same thing if not, further away from the objection.

  • The only thing I disagree with in this video is the Social Battery thing. For this his critics lost cause all they did was what they accused Hasan of. Cause Hasan, even as stated in this video, was talking about himself and the load streaming has on HIM compared to a different kind of job he has worked before, and said that dofferent jobs will affect people differently. He is right. Only for people who dont like him to completely ignore what he saod to claim he was saying streaming in general is more taxing than a retail job. The critics have the L on this one and I cant believe people are still parading around like they did something with this. Like you giys gave Hasan the win in this one cause you guys legitimately DID take his initial statement out of context, something HE is criticized for and made fun of for. All you guys did was give him a win cause you did exactly that

  • Hasan is simply not made for streaming.
    Wrong guy for the wrong job kind of thing.
    That is why he says it's hard, Because he actually needs to put 5x more effort into it compared to a normal person.

  • I agree with the "streaming is more soul-consuming then other jobs"
    Other jobs make sure you have no soul left at all, so there is nothing to drain anymore.

    Don't work with machines if you don't know how to handle said machine.
    Don't work with people if you don't know how to handle said people.
    The man is disconnected AF.

  • I love the fact that the left is eating Hasan up! FINALLY!!!!!!
    He is being like that for years and we habe a Brazilian version of him called Felipe Neto. But our HASANABI version is even more coward!

  • A lot of bias commenters in here.. lol yall dumb here.. even this “content creator”

  • If this guys so awful why’s he have a bigger following then the guy who birthed him? Jw i don’t really get why someone so evil and extreme would have such a following, very contradictory.

  • This should be anyone's sign to ignore politics.

    It only creates extremism.

    Live your life.

    Chase your passions.

    And go after your dreams.

  • Good video. Well researched. Shame Hasan doesn't believe in research

  • Hasan exhibits huge feminine behavior by talking mad shit behind a camera and none of it is capable of being taken at face value by anyone that has more than two braincells.

  • That mr penis head thing was just mishandled by both Ludwig and WillyMac.
    1. Penis head's other comments beyond the "no balls" is pretty pointless. Even if Ludwig character assassinates someone, that doesn't remove the validity/poignancy of their other points.

    2. No, WillyMac, it shouldn't just be brushed aside how they make comments on assassinating people. Wishing death for people even as a joke should not be approved and YOU DON'T KNOW it was a joke, you showed no proof for that, so it's a mere assumption.

  • I really liked Hasan roleplaying on Nopixel. I watch Destiny mostly.. but I don't Hold any takes to heart or choose teams.

  • I feel like Ludwig had it right the first time, but probably caved because of his and his gf's friendship with him (Hasan), and i agree with you, it was cowardly to remove the original posted video for the sake of Hasan's poor little feelings….also, notice how Hasan told Ethan in that clip that "he's an adult and the words that your saying are going to be perceived by people in a certain way" , he sure never seems to take his own advise…such a hypocrite, the lot of them (Hasan and his acolytes lol)…also love how when he was talking about the Ben/Destiny debate, how he shows his true colors (dictatorship vibes) by basically saying he shouldn't have listened to anything Ben had to say because only his side is the "right" side or outlook to have, people like this are why we stay so divided and can't even have a civil discussion/debate/disagreement smh

  • Maintaining an Apartheid will result in retaliation, retaliation is not good, but it is the outcome that will undoubtedly happen
    (If you don’t stop punching, they will punch back)
    Hasan did answer the question on Pierce Morgan with “No”, then proceeded to explain that ISREAL has been attacking for a long time, Hamas punched back, not that punching back is the answer or good.

  • He is literally the worst type of grifter imaginable , bad takes , but not enough balls to stick to his bad takes , no spine .

  • 49:25

    Cenk's Nephew is surely white enough we can point out what animal he sounds like in this clip, right?

  • i knew that since first time i saw him in an among us lobby

  • This Hasan dude is so disingenuous no idea how he has "fans". We got people who idolize guys like this and Jake Paul we're fucking doomed…

  • Never liked Hasan to begin with. Glad people are starting to call out his shitty behavior.

  • Felix Biederman finding out what the "top leftist streamer" actually does must have been soul crushing

  • it's as if he took a bet he can be the most pathetic unlikable and unworthy person on Earth.

  • Genuinely don’t get how anyone can watch Hasan and like him

  • Can anyone leave a comment about the topic? My comment keep getting auto removed, what is happening 🙁

  • dude is so fragile and cant take the slightest bit of push back without looking like a complete moron

  • I know it's a comparatively minor thing to all the damage he does on a regular basis, but watching Hasan laugh hysterically at a woman being shot, screaming in pain and terror, made me sick to my stomach.

    What a scumbag

  • It's incredible how in that Piers Morgan segment, the two other people that aren't crazy are actually genuinely insightful, I want to see them have a discussion without the psychos.

  • This is the first video I've ever seen from this channel, thank you for calling out this soulless terrorglazer

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