Healing Diastasis Recti Naturally – Breathing Exercises Part 4

Healing diastasis recti naturally is possible. I’ve helped thousands of ladies do it.

These breathing exercises are just one part of healing your core, but a very important part. Do these breathing exercises for 1 week to 2 weeks.

If you missed the previous ones, make sure to start at Part 1:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/uGq6pBCKnZI
Part 2: https://youtu.be/uMuzqCPGnjo
Part 3: https://youtu.be/9WalryF1R0U


Breathing Homework Directions: (Do 1-2 times daily)
10 extended exhales (pull up pelvic floor muscles while you engage transverse abdominal.) Try for 5-10 seconds.
10 single piston exhales
10 double piston exhales
10 triple piston exhales


But to really get to the root of your diastasis and start healing it quickly, make sure to take the 5 Day Diastasis Challenge. You will learn exactly how to heal it: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/609acc7cd2d30eabf57307e5

Other vidoes you might like are the Diastasis Recti Planks Challenge: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyTpfNVJeW5BOf5T5lSed377YbJLdfqq

This video was in the program I created to help mom’s heal their cores and now I’ve brought some of it here. You are going to hear me talk about the Facebook group and PDF. I no longer have that. The best way to get help, is to sign up for the 5 Day Diastasis Challenge. Then you will get the challenge plus other emails with info to help you heal your core. Here is where you can find the challenge: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/609acc7cd2d30eabf57307e5

Instagram: @DiastasisSafe


by Diastasis Safe

linux foundation

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