Hidden City: Hidden Object Adventure Not Working Fix In Windows 10- [2021]
How to fix Hidden City: Hidden Object Adventure in Windows 10
Having trouble with your Hidden City: Hidden Object Adventure game in Windows 10? don’t worry I will show you have to reset Hidden City: Hidden Object Adventure App and repair app and resolve crashing issues, not opening issue or any other problem you may be having with this player app. Sound UnboundHidden City: Hidden Object Adventure Update Error Fix.
There has been a lot of people complaining about Hidden City: Hidden Object Adventure app fro android, ios and windows 10 not opening and problems adding new email accounts. Theses problems can be repaired by following the steps in this video.
Windows 10 Hidden City: Hidden Object Adventure has some setting problem as well, where they are not functioning correctly and simply resetting the app can resolve this issue.
This troubleshooting guide will work on Windows 10, windows 7, windows 8, operating systems and desktops, laptops, tables and computers manufactured by the following brands: HP, Alienware, MSI, Toshiba, Acer, Lenovo, razer, huawei among others.
Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10
Copy and paste this:
# Get all the provisioned packages
$Packages = (get-item ‘HKLM:SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAppxAppxAllUserStoreApplications’) | Get-ChildItem
# Filter the list if provided a filter
$PackageFilter = $args[0]
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageFilter))
echo “No filter specified, attempting to re-register all provisioned apps.”
$Packages = $Packages | where {$_.Name -like $PackageFilter}
if ($Packages -eq $null)
echo “No provisioned apps match the specified filter.”
echo “Registering the provisioned apps that match $PackageFilter”
ForEach($Package in $Packages)
# get package name & path
$PackageName = $Package | Get-ItemProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSChildName
$PackagePath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(($Package | Get-ItemProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path))
# register the package
echo “Attempting to register package: $PackageName”
Add-AppxPackage -register $PackagePath -DisableDevelopmentMode
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