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Hide IP address in one minute? | IP Address එක විනාඩියෙන් Hide කරමුද?

Hiding Your IP Address: Enhancing Privacy and Security Online

Hiding an IP address involves concealing the unique identifier assigned to a device when it connects to the internet. It can be achieved through various methods like using a virtual private network (VPN), proxy servers, or Tor network. By hiding their IP address, individuals can enhance their online privacy and security. Benefits include preventing unauthorized tracking and monitoring, bypassing geo-restrictions to access restricted content, safeguarding against hacking attempts, and preserving anonymity while browsing. Hiding the IP address adds a layer of protection, allowing users to control their online presence and maintain a higher level of confidentiality and freedom on the internet.

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#IPaddress #Concealing #Virtualprivatenetwork(VPN) #Proxyservers #Tornetwork #Onlineprivacy #Onlinesecurity #Unauthorizedtracking #Georestrictions #Anonymity #techsense


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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