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Hide more than your IP | MAC Address Spoofing with Windscribe

Did you know that you can be tracked even while using a VPN to mask your IP address? Every device you use has a unique MAC Address that can be seen by any network you come across. That MAC Address can be tracked to determine your location, your visiting patterns, your network usage and more.

Not to worry though, the Windscribe desktop application saves the day with its MAC Spoofing feature! Using the MAC Spoofing feature, you can, well, spoof your MAC Address! That is, you can change the MAC Address every time you join a network so it looks as though you have a brand new device that has never been there before. By appearing as a new device each time, you are preventing the network from tracking you on every visit and building a profile about you and your online activities.

The MAC Spoofing feature is available in all our desktop apps including Windows 10/11, Mac OS X and Linux.

Sign up for Windscribe here:
Download the Windscribe desktop app here:




ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

14 thoughts on “Hide more than your IP | MAC Address Spoofing with Windscribe

  • viola! mac spoofed! duck you and duck you and duck you starducks!

  • Ah, yes, except THERE IS NO "MAC Spoofing" item in my "Connection" menu, even though I'm running the latest version. Good stuff. Good, good stuff.

  • Did you just say vioooola 😩🙆🏿‍♂️

  • So if someone is connecting to their home network, and then turns on this VPN, and this VPN spoofs the device's MAC address, will the home network suddenly not recognise the device and disconnect it?

  • im just curious on MAC address and watched a explained video yesterday then this came today

  • Isn't that already a feature on Android smartphones? I have the option for "use random MAC-address" that is on by default when I connect to a network.

  • that's interesting! its like giving one of many nicknames on the coffee order instead of having your name yelled into the room 😅😅

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