Home Networking 101 – How to Hook It All Up!

In this a very nerdy, and requested video. We will be going over the basics of Home Networking. How to hook everything up, and what everything does.

IP Addresses: 1:00
ISPs: 1:37
Modems: 2:04
Switches: 2:48
Routers: 3:48
Access Points: 4:54
Combo Units: 5:23
My Network: 6:54
What can you do w/ home network 7:50


NETGEAR R7350 AC2400 $100

TP-LINK AX1800 Router $90

TP-Link AC1900 Router (One Featured in this video) $99

NETGEAR AC1200 Router $50

TP_Link N450 Router $25

TP-LINK TL SG1024 Switch:

Startech 6U Rack (Closest to the NavePoint):

NavePoint 1U Patch Panel:

Network Cable Wall Plate:

Rackmount Power Strip:

MonoPrice Punch-Down Tool:

DIY Budget Home Network

Patch Panel Video


by Budget Nerd

simple network management protocol

50 thoughts on “Home Networking 101 – How to Hook It All Up!

  • Thanks. A really great video for people who wants to get to know basics. What about video connected with Raspberry Pi computer + Pi-hole ? I ask because there're 5 bilions tutorials on the internet connected with this subject but they're all the same. They're useless for everyman. They only explain configuration off Pi-hole for advanced users. They don't describe what things are needed. They don't show how and where to connect a Raspberry Pi computer. I mean step by step. Is it possible that you will prepare such a video in the future ?

  • As a fiber technician that works in tandem with an electric coop and their wifi service, if i came to a residence and saw this, i woild tear up. Its beautifully setup

  • 2:53 its good, but it doesnt solve qos, router in this part of video is most important than switch.

  • good set up, but I'm missing a mikrotik router

  • I started a career change into the IT field and I decided to take an Online program with basically a guy taking and talking and naming all the technical jargon, as much as it was understandable a bit, I needed something much more explanatory with visuals and I stumbled on this video of yours. I have not even finished the video and I already understand everything!! Now I can see why you have 4.4m views on this video. Great JOB man!! I will look out for more of your videos!

  • This is great. Perfectly explained. Even a super non tech, soccer mom secretary type person could watch this, and then understand what that (weird flashy wirery room that the IT guy works in) at her work is.😂 Thank you!

  • thank you!!!! very engaging and what i was looking for!

  • Good video. Show a router with built-in or configurable VPN

  • Very useful video. It answers lots of my questions in this aspect. Thanks alot 👍

  • Instead of this setup you can just buy good router with eight ports (you are using 8 port in your setup on video) and get same with much lower power consumption. Also router give you L3 features instead L2 switch in your setup. in switch datasheet i find Packet Forwarding Rate 35.7Mpps that more then in average home router, but this capacity needed not for home network especially in your case on video.

  • Here in Ecuador every one gets 50 ip address companies get even more, this video has help me a lot not only understanding whats going on and why but how to improve it, again THANK YOU.

  • Oh i did'nt know you could have internet storage. sounds like having a personal google drive kind of. cool video

  • I realize that was 4 years ago but, 45$ a month for a 15mbps connection? Really?!

  • I can not thank you enough, I'm going for my CompTIA A+ exam, and this video HELPED TO PUT IT ALL IN A SIMPLE AND CLEAR EXPLAINATION! Thank You.

  • Thank you for your video sir. This is something I'll want to do in my house later on in life. Liking for when that day comes

  • FYI if you reverse the order of the breakdown it will appear as an overlay on the video and be clickable 😉:

    1:00 IP Addresses
    1:37 ISPs
    2:04 Modems

  • I need help in routing… configuration i don't know how to do it please help 😢

  • well explained, loved how you started at the most basic set up and then incorporated each component by explaining the problem they solve!

  • The switch that I am using to expand my 4-port ISP router/switch has a ground lug on the rear. Is it important to ground that to the “ground” of the 120VAC circuit. Also, this 16-port switch is using quiet a bit of power for just 3 active RJ-45 ports. At this point, there is nothing attached to the rear ground lug. Please advise!

  • Thank how cell phone is working without modem and router😢

  • Hi Sir, if you disconnect all the cables to your patch panel attached to the Router. Is the connection Without the patch panel Gonna create an Ethernet service through the wall? @budgetnerd if YES then How?

  • I want to upgrade my home internet connection. I like to make a wireless connection through a mesh wifi setup. I have seen online that WIFI 7 is the latest tech that I can get at this time. Can you please make a video on this setup. Thanks

  • Is this supposed to be for someone in the 90s? only a router is needed for all connectivity and repeater if more ports are required.

  • I thought that your ISP assigns your modem/router a public ip address, then when you connect your router to separate devices (desktop, laptop, tablets, mobile, etc.) they'll be assigned private ip addresses on the "Local Area Network" by the router that connects them through the "LAN ports".

  • This is bad idea to put in wifi into iron box. It will be effect to signal level. You have to place device on the wall outside the rack for better coverage.

  • For an IT novice, this was great. Thank you❤.

  • I got one device and my whole house is good lol

  • Nice looking system… a couple of tips:
    1. You can save space in the front if you moved the power distribution unit to the back of the rack. Not sure if the metal cover on the back can accommodate this without cutting but it would free up the space on the front as the power switch is not something that would be cycled very often.
    2. You'd have better WiFi performance if you elevated the router so the antennas are above the height of the three metal side covers. These covers act as shields for the radio waves and cause a lot of attenuation of the signals and degrades the performance significantly!

  • Private is private until the goons from the US government get into your system.then you're basically advertised to the whole neighborhood and much of the city.

  • Very clean setup!. In the video at 8:18 I see that no ethernet wires are coming from your modem or your router. Does this mean that both are plug to the back side of the patch panel (#1 #24) and linked through the switch ?

  • 15 MBPS @ 45 $ / month 2:02 . When I think about the fact that I pay 10$ for 2000 MBPS / month…

  • Absolutely amazing, I'm am so glad to have found this🫡

  • As practice exercise, it's ok but for a real scenario inside a regular home, it's just too much!

  • Extremely helpful

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