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How does the internet work? (PART 1) Data center – IP Address – Optical fiber cables

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The dynamic, user-friendly interface of the Internet as we know it today, is breathed life into by a multi-layer global network system that connects hundreds of millions of computers.
If you are watching this video, it is because a sophisticated signal transmission system has been developed and implemented over the years.
Most likely the data in this video may have traveled thousands of miles before reaching your device.
In this video we will try to figure out how does the internet work by explaining where this data is coming from and which path they need to follow in order to reach every single user connected to the network.
The video you’re watching now is stored inside a Data Center. Data Centers are simply centralized location that provide important services such as data storage, backup and recovery, data management and networking.
Let’s see in detail the entire data transfer process…
A simple way to achieve this data transfer is to use a geosynchronous satellite. In this case a internet service provider sends a signal to this satellite via a special antenna, and then from the satellite the signal is sent to our mobile phone with the help of another antenna near to us.
However, this is not the best method to achieve a good connection: a satellite in fact orbits at a distance of over 22,000 miles above Earth’s equator, so the signal will have to travel a total distance of about 44,000 miles! This is because the signal is first sent to the satellite, and then from the satellite is sent back to the Earth to the right recipient. All this creates LATENCY which is a delay in receiving the signal due to the long distance.
The most efficient way to transfer the signal is through optical fiber cables, which thanks to a complicated network connect the data center to our device. Even our smartphone, despite being a mobile device is indirectly connected to these cables. The Cellular Radio Towers in fact are connected to this optical fiber cables network. Their antennas receive the signal from the underground network. Then the signal is converted into an electromagnetic wave, so as to be picked up by the antennas of our phone.
You can watch our video about the working principle of smartphones by clicking the link in the upper right corner.
As we mentioned earlier, this video you are watching is stored inside a data center, more precisely inside a solid state device, this SSD represents the internal memory of a server, which is basically a more powerful computer. The primary function of this server is to store, process and deliver web contents to clients. These data are transmitted through the complex network of optical fiber cables and reach the right recipient thanks to IP addresses.
The IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. Like our home address, the IP address allows us to receive the right information to our device. It is the job of our internet service provider to assign us a unque IP address which we can also see it in its entirely on our laptop or smartphone…


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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