32 thoughts on “How I run commands with Docker containers

  • So you tell me you use docker instead npm and others and then you run them in docker container.

    Well, very misleading is the least said about it.

  • Is it really pronounced "my sequel" in English? My dissappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

  • Docker ftw. Npm takes a dump on your file system

  • People who built docker to make life easier for devs: 💀💀💀💀

  • This ++++ taking too much space on my storage and i have not a lot of storage already. and yes i know you can clean them but sometime i have only 25 g free.

  • aliases instead of docker-compose? 🙁

  • Docker is so freaking helpful once you're comfortable with it.
    I've been wanting to try combining Nix and Docker to do this but with just one container and image

  • Help me please, I tried your way but results in Permission denied:

    docker run –rm -it -v $(pwd):/pwd -w /pwd node npx create-next-app@latest –typescript
    Need to install the following packages:
    Ok to proceed? (y) y
    sh: 1: create-next-app: Permission denied

  • This is wrong and works only due to weird mac behaviour. Inside the container you are most of the time root. So most of the stuff created bei npm run build will belong to root user after this. Please don't do this. Also it wont work when SeLinux is enabled.

  • Summary:
    Do whatever is longer than the original solution, to achieve the exact same things

  • Yeah only if you are using Linux. Docker and Apple Silicon don't really mix.

  • Tell me you love to over-engineer without telling me you love to over-engineer.

  • I like how you ended to blend nicely with the start of the short 😂🙏🏽

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