How I Would Learn AWS Cloud (If I Could Start Over)

How I Would Learn AWS Cloud (If I Could Start Over)

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00:00 Intro
01:22 Cloud Fundamentals
02:20 AWS Basics
03:02 Common AWS Services
04:27 Building Projects
05:36 AWS Well-Architected Framework
06:40 AWS Skill Builder
07:32 Get Certified
09:46 Share Your Work


by Tech With Soleyman

linux foundation

8 thoughts on “How I Would Learn AWS Cloud (If I Could Start Over)

  • Get the free trial thing but still confused, how much it will cost me from as a learner to get a job in aws.

    I know it's not free but my question is why no kne is talking about the money it will cost for navigating and building project and resume etc.. 🧠🧠

  • Do you think that learning GCP as a beginner is a wise choice than learning AWS given the massive increase in usage of GCP and increasing Demand for Google Cloud Engineers!?

  • How did you get all this information into an 11-minute video😯. I'm currently on the AWS re/Start program myself and with any luck, I'll have my first tech job within the next few months. Your channel is a gold mine.

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