How Meta’s Chief AI Scientist Believes We’ll Get To Autonomous AI Models

Meta’s Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun discusses why he supports open source large learning models and why models need to live in the world to achieve autonomy.

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34 thoughts on “How Meta’s Chief AI Scientist Believes We’ll Get To Autonomous AI Models

  • Open source is becoming a smoke screen to hide behind. In the future, if AGI happens, people will be told to stop moping that they live on the street and that they should have taken advantage of the open source models when they had the chance.

  • Hey, next time, don't let this guy anywhere near the position of interviewer. He's disrespectful and not all that bright. I couldn't really enjoy this.

  • I would like to see the programs and algorithms as Open Source. I would like to see the algorithm that they use to censor out Hate, False truths, and lies.

    So will they make public the algorithm to determine what is HATE speech?

  • I not always agree with LeCuns view on how AI will progress, which well is not saying much to anyone, still that said. You got to have sympathy for a head honcho who activly does not want to take credit for the work of his drones. What are their names again or are they already outsourced to AGI? Not yet … not yet 😉

  • 00:06 Discussion on the release of the advanced AI model Lama 3 with 15 trillion tokens
    02:08 Open sourcing AI models enables new opportunities for startups.
    04:11 Challenges in scaling up AI learning algorithms
    06:17 Importance of open-source infrastructure in AI development
    08:22 Advancing towards Autonomous Machine Intelligence
    10:29 Training AI systems to understand the world like baby animals and humans.
    12:33 Training autonomous AI models using encoder and predictor in representation space.
    14:31 Future AI models will likely be one big modular system, with debate over early fusion vs late fusion for multimodal systems.
    16:27 Advantages of rapid learning for AI systems

  • 17:42 that mic looks like a wiener
    just noticed it when that coked up guy came on lol

  • bigger models will always be better

  • Amazon AWS contributes the least to the open source community than its tech peers.

  • Isn’t that Garrison Keillor? LLama3 or Prairie Home Companion?

  • And then GPT-5 comes out and it plans, reasons, has memory and build out any objective. So I am not sure if this will age well.

  • I wish, yes, an example of wishful thinking, I wish that we lived in a universe where wealthy people and successful/lucrative companies were not plagued with a parasitical nature. Wishes do not come true. The Elon Musks, the Mark Zuckerbergs, and the Sundar Pichais, just to name a few, cannot hold onto their wealth, power, nor influence without exploiting the users of their technologies. As well as, they cannot thrive without those who have not had a choice when the companies that those aforementioned people are running pilfered photos and various other personal data resources so as to make their companies lucrative and their shareholders wealthy. I do not get a good feeling when thinking that a powerful tool, as like a generative AI, is created and/or controlled by parasitical organizations/people. And, I do not think that a reality of the wrong people with powerful tools will go the way of the dodo. 🦤😢

  • 10:16 What makes him think there will be guarantees that ASI will be controllable?

  • Scientist believes… believing is accepting that (something) is true, especially without proof.

  • Yann and his technologist colleagues have absolutely no idea how quickly AI will escape or jump the "guardrails"–either on their own or with the help of bad human actors. We are living in extremely nihilistic and (collectively) suicidal times. The social 'glue' is softening very quickly. It is, in my view, crucial to consider–not from a smiley-face but an existential perspective–what all of this implies for the human project. I don't question the design or inventive talent of Yann and friends. but would like to see much greater demonstration of social aptitude and moral talent.

  • I think shareware is the proper label for this. Not open source. I appreciate them sharing anyway.

  • The host interrupting at the end is so unbelievably annoying… stupid people shouldn’t do interviews

  • Perfect example why long form podcasts like Joe Rogan are so much better. Yann kept getting cut off. Would love to hear his complete views.

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