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How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes

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The internet is not a fuzzy cloud. The internet is a wire, actually buried in the ground. Computers connected directly to the internet are called “Servers,” while the computers you and I use are “clients,” because they are not connected directly to the internet, but through an Internet Service Provider. Routers shuttle packets of information across the internet, and transmit e-mail, pictures, and web pages.


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

26 thoughts on “How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes

  • So you mean to tell me lol that all the internet is still fucking power lines😂😂😂 That's kind of embarrassing for mankind that All these years later we still using strings and cups to call each other? 😂 We got to do better. I know there's better technology than freaking strings under the ocean in lines hanging in the sky🤷🏽‍♀️

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  • Thank you very much for this video. Absolutely simple and brilliant.

  • Willy wonka was showing us all this time just how images are sent and received

  • 🎉😢😢😢😢😢😂❤❤❤❤❤

  • Чмо Американское, ничего непонятно

  • This guy is a G. I have never seen a video that is such informative and easy to understand

  • i was thinking that it must be tedx video but i am shocked after watching his video

  • Great Explanation! Can't believe that it's from 14 years ago

  • Such a nice video wow. The illustrations are amazing and so easy to understand. Thanks a lot for making this.

  • This was added to the Odin Project, meaning it's one of the best resources to learn how to code on the entire internet. Good job.

  • This is such a good video. No wonder why our IA teacher recommended us to watch this

  • Absolutely brilliant
    Never seen a better explanation of the working of Internet

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