NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSwindows dns serverWindows server

How to Add a Child Domain to an Existing Forest | windows server 2019

New Video Series on Managing Active Directory Environment:

This Video tutorial shows how to add child domain to an existing Windows Server 2019 forest using Server Manager console.

Topics covered in this video:
1. Create Active Directory site and subnet for child domain.
2. Deploy child domain in existing forest.
3. Setup Conditional Forwarding in DNS to resolve dns domain name.
4. Check replication between parent domain and child domain.

Check my blogs on Windows Server 2019:


by MSFT WebCast

windows server dns

26 thoughts on “How to Add a Child Domain to an Existing Forest | windows server 2019

  • Thank you for the video. I tried first, but didn't work, I was not able to ping, then I started reading the comments below from asaduzza, and this setting requires LAN routing on a separate server with two NIC's to attach these networks together.
    After the installation of the Lan routing and adding the rule on the firewall on the separate server, I was able to connect and ping the two networks
    It requires a little challenge.
    appreciate you help on posting the videos.

  • I am not able to resolve my root domain from child domain dc can anyone help me with this

  • Should the conditional forwarder also go on the primary DC for the root domain?

  • Hi,
    Thanks for your videos.
    I have an issue with the child domain.
    I followed all steps, but I have a computer in child domain witch can't ping the parent domain controller, so it can't reach my SQL server located in this parent DC.
    Do you have an idea about the source of this issue? or if you have a troubleshooting guide to follow?
    Thanks one again.0

  • just a question, in your videos, could you please explain what is Active directory sites & services used for and why we need to create a subnet etc. Please explain.

  • How did you configure your network card settings ? I am unable to work out when creating different subnets unable to ping virtual machine

  • Hi. Thanks for this very informative video. By the way, do have a video showing how to replicate users from a parent domain to the child domain?

  • as to the reverse lookup zone, the prefix seems to be assuming that you are using a /24 network, however what would be the prefix if your network is /21 or /28 ?

  • Hi, I am unable to create the CDC done the all steps but still im getting "active directory domain services could not create the object" FSMO role ownership could not be verified

  • How to configurate dhcp in child domain. I have a problem with autorization dhcp on server DC in child domain.

  • Hello Dear, to create adc,cdc,gcdc does it need to buy new server? or it can be created on single physical server using hyper v or vmware. because cdc is used to create to increase branch of company and if we have another office in delhi so we have to buy new server and link with existing root domain. please help

  • I really was unable to understand
    1.why there was a use to create a new sir and provide subnet it has just made the video lengthy
    2.when you created CRC and made change to preferred I'd and provided root domain up in the CDC preferred dns server then why there is need of conditional forwarding unnecessary is it required or mandate
    3.when CDC and root domain has different database why replication is required like what exactly is replicated
    4. What kind of access users have on each other like can they log in on both the domain or only the admin

  • why there is need to create new site fo cdc is it compulsary to do that

  • why slash 24 after the ip address can u please tll ho u calculated 24 after / and as per my knwldg 192 is c class ip address which has three network and one host so how the value after slash is 24 pleae let me know

  • Sir, root domain me new site create kaise aur kab karate hai plz bataye

  • Hi, thanks for your great videos, I just created a child domain step by step, now it's done and every thing looks fine in child domain site(I can resolve addresses of child and parent domain), but on the parent domain in DNS forward zone I can see a folder with the name of my child domain but nothing in it! that's why I can't resolve child domain address in the parent domain, any solution? thanks for your help.

  • why do all these tutorial videos have the fucking craziest accented person. Hire someone who speaks your native language people

  • Thanks so much for your video.I didn't get to see the forward look up zone "mylab.local" in the root dns server.1. Does it exists? If yes, this brings me to the second question. 2.Assuming you have "mylab.local" as your external Domain and collins.mylab.local in your external dns server (A record) but it does not exist in the internal dns server. As a result internal users can't resolve "collins.mylab.local from the internal

  • Hey man….

    Thanks for the video…

    3:30 …. my DNS configuration is ok… AD is hosted on and i want to install child domain on…. but i cant ping the DNS / DC from would be child domain….How did you ping the DC from different network ? Because, as per your setup you used (AD+DNS) 172.X.X.X and (FRESH SERVER) 192.X.X.X both are in different network and also different subnet. So, without setup any ROUTE , how could you ping one another ? I am pretty confused about it.

  • Hello friend, can i ask you? If my root domain is named as svk.testdomain.local and i want to create a child domain(cz.testdomain.local). Is it possible? Or is possible only cz.svk.testdomain.local? How it looks in video in time 5:45 for parent domain? svk.testdomain.local or only testdomain.local?

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