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How to administer Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 in 20 Minutes

This time I turn my attention to Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 and discuss what it is and more importantly, how it works. I’ll take you on a grand tour and give the basics and knowledge to get up and running in just 20 minutes As always I’d love your comments questions and feedback. Please like and share.

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by Andy Malone MVP

linux smtp server

28 thoughts on “How to administer Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 in 20 Minutes

  • Good stuff. I am boning up on this for a potential new job as I have not worked with exchange since Exchange 2003.

  • So easy to learn with you even for a french speaker. You Have a nice expression … THANKS YOU ANDY

  • Nice video Andy, Do you know if there is a way to create an alert that will send a notification (using an external email), in case that the server has not receive emails from more than 15 minutes as example?

    Thank you in advance

  • Wow.. what a sumup in almost 20 minutes. Looking for some stuff to review Exchange for an Interview and landed here . Superb 👍

  • How would you create a custom personal email domain in Microsoft exchange?

  • Thank you Andy, I'm starting a new role soon and your videos have helped me refresh and update my personal knowedgebase. 👍🏻

  • Man I love the way Andy explains things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • thanks a lot it's great video i need to know how to try the demo of exchange server can i install it my virtual machine

  • hi, what is prerequisite for learning ms-exchange administration?

  • Thanks Andy, needed a refresher on on-premise Exchange Server and this was perfect 👍👏

  • Thanks Andy. question: I see health mailboxes show as logging with ntlm in a NTLM access report. why does health mailboxes show as logging with ntlm?

  • Please help to fix this issue database redundancy and database availability failed on exchange server 2019

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