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How to Assign IP Address DNS Server and Gateway in Kali Linux | Ethica

📌Manually Assign IP Address DNS Server and Gateway in Kali Linux | Ethica Cyber | Ethica

In this video, I will try to explain that how we assign IP address , DNS server and default gateway in our Kali Linux operating system manually using terminal and GUI mode.

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Timeline :
00:00:22 show IP Address
00:00:49 show IP Gateway
00:01:19 Configure IP Address
00:02:02 Configure Default Gateway
00:03:13 Ping Gateway
00:03:25 Check DNS Server
00:03:42 Configure DNS Server
00:05:28 Ping DNS Server
00:06:02 Configure IP DNS using GUI
00:07:51 Assign IP using DHCP by GUI
00:08:36 Thanks for Watching !

❊ Playlist : Cyber Security Tutorials ❊
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❊ Hash Tags: ❊
#kalilinux #ethica #ethicacyber #ethicalhacking #hacking #networking #linux
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This video is made available for educational and informational purposes only. We believe that everyone must be aware of ethical hacking and cybersecurity to avoid different types of cyberattacks and malicious activities which can happened with anyone.
Please regard the word hacking as an ethical hacking whenever use in our videos. Do not state this word to any other illegal term. Our videos does not contain any illegal activities. Our sole purpose is to raise awareness related to cybersecurity.

🧲 Note: Hacking without permission is illegal. This channel is an educational and learning channel about cyber-security in the areas of ethical hacking and penetration testing so that we can protect ourselves against the real hackers.
⛔EthicaCyber or Its Team is not responsible for anything or any body who misuse or doing any illegal activity from our provided information.



ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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