How To Assign Static IP Address In Computer | Static IP Address | Assigning Static IP Address
Today I’m showing you how to assign static ip address in computer. Yap static ip address. You will learn about assigning static ip address.
Static ip is also an IP. IP address means internet protocol. You will learn here, how to use static ip address in windows 10. I have set a static ip address here. By using this method you can change ip address to another country. You will also learn here, how to get static ip address.
Assign static ip address is very easy. Just follow my tutorial. Static ip address windows 10 and other windows are same. So, how to assign static ip address in windows 10? You got it? Now you know about, how to change ip address. What is ip address? IP address is internet protocol.
If you have any more question please comment. I will answer as soon as possible.
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