How to Backup a Bucket in DigitalOcean Spaces to a second account?
This video walks you through how to backup a bucket in DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 from one account to another account.
The s3cmd s3 backup script connects two buckets in different accounts in DigitalOcean Spaces, or Amazon S3 connects a production bucket to a backup bucket and triggers daily backups via the crontab. The script is programmed in bash, uses s3cmd sync commands to take full backups, and can be installed on any Linux server. Backups are filed in the backup bucket in daily, weekly and monthly folders. Restoring a backup becomes simple as well via the main menu of the s3cmd bucket backup script, as a practical solution is provided to quickly restore any backup easily to either the production bucket, a fresh restore bucket, or a test bucket. Each backup can connect to any bucket in other regions and accounts created with DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3.
Implementing a solid backup strategy for your cloud buckets becomes much easier when properly organized and you have complete control via your script installed on your own server droplet.
Please refer to our website to get the S3cmd bucket backup script for backing up cloud storage buckets in DigitalOcean Spaces and Amazon S3:
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