how to become a hacker in 2021

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1. Basic IT Skills. By this, I mean your standard break/fix help desk skillset.  Can you build a computer and identify its parts? Can you troubleshoot and fix issues?  In my mind, this would be equivalent to the CompTIA A+ certification.  If you’re brand new to IT and starting here, I strongly recommend picking one of the following resources:

Free – CompTIA IT Fundamentals
1. https://www.udemy.com/course/itprotv-comptia-it-fundamentals-fc0-u61/. = By : ITPRO TV
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnlGHY8ObL8DiyP3AIu9vd3K. = By : Professor Messer

2. Linux Learn. We use a lot of Linux in ethical hacking.  Primarily, we use a Debian-based distribution.  This is often either Kali Linux or Parrot.  Some hackers choose to use their own builds and distributions, but Kali and Parrot dominate the majority.  Fortunately, there are a multitude of free resources out there for individuals interested in learning Linux.

My personal recommendation is to treat Linux like learning a foreign language.  You can learn from an instructor and sure, you’ll pick stuff up.  However, if you immerse yourself in the environment (e.g. living in a foreign country or in our case, using Linux as a primary operating system), you’ll pick things up a lot easier.  Try installing Linux and using it for a week without using any other operating system.  You’ll be surprised how fast you learn!

Resources :

1. https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/introduction-to-linux/
2. https://linuxjourney.com/
3. https://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/

3) Networking skills.  Networking skills are incredibly important when it comes to penetration testing.  If I ask you to describe the OSI model, to tell me what service is running on port 22, or ask you to describe CIDR notation, can you do it?  What about the TCP three-way handshake?  If what I am saying to you is pure jibberish then congratulations, you need networking skills.  Here are some of my favorite resources:

Resources :

1. FREE – Professor Messer – https://www.professormesser.com/network-plus/n10-007/n10-007-training-course/
2. Jeremy’s IT Lab — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxbwE86jKRgMpuZuLBivzlM8s2Dk5lXBQ
3. Network Lessons — https://networklessons.com/cisco/ccna-200-301
4. Free — NETACAD PACKET TRACER – https://www.netacad.com/courses/packet-tracer
5. https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-networking-fundamentals-course-ccna-start/

4) Coding/Scripting skills.  For coding/scripting, you need to be able to read code, at a minimum, to be successful in this field.  Fret not, you do not have to be a full-on developer.  The better your are at coding, the easier your life will be.  However, I’ve had a successful career and am fairly terrible at coding :).
For coding, I recommend starting with Python.  Python is incredibly beginner friendly and is fairly easy to pick up.  Here are some of my favorite resources:
Resources :

1. https://www.techbeamers.com/python-tutorial-step-by-step/
2. https://www.programiz.com/python-programming
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm
4. https://www.freecodecamp.org/

You’ve Got the Foundations, Now What?
Okay, we’re through the foundations and ready to start hacking. 

I think it’s great to start practicing hacking with intentionally vulnerable machines.  That is: machines that are designed to be hacked.  A lot of these machines are not “practical” and follow more of a “Capture the Flag (CTF)” style.  However, they are great at teaching the fundamentals, tools, and mental persistence needed to be successful as a hacker.  My three favorite sites for this are (in order):


Reading sites



by Core Hack

linux foundation

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