How to Build Docker Images in HIndi | How to Commit Docker Images | Devops Tools | Techie Ansh

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In This Training we will learn:-
How to build docker images?
How to Commit Docker Images?
OS Versioning

Commands used in this Training:-
###Build Docker Image###
#docker image
Note: Without provision container we can not modify image.
#docker run -it –name=test centos:7
#echo “helloworld”
#ls ctrl+pq
Note: Launch new container using the same image and check file inside new container, you will not get file inside the container because image is totally isolate.

#find /var/lib/docker –name (Container writing layer)
#docker ps
#docker commit test centos:v1
#docker images
#docker run -it –name=demo centos:v1
#ls -l
#docker stop $(docker ps -q -a)
Note: Now launch one raw container by using centos image and install the http service inside this and create your custom and try this image launching new container.
#docker commit -m “apache installed” apache centos:apache
#docker history image ID
#docker ps
#docker rmi centos(Base image ID)
Note: New image has dependency on base image that’s why can’t delete.
#docker save centos:apache apache.tar
#docker rmi -f $(docker image -q)
#docker images
#docker load -i apache.tar
#docker images
#docker pull centos:7 (This pull will not work)
#docker images
#docker history image ID
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centos 7

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