How to Bulk Rotate Images in Windows 11/10

Here is a full guide to bulk rotate images on your Windows 11/10 PC. If you want to rotate multiple images at once on PC, this article will help you. In this post, we are going to show you different methods using which you can rotate images in a batch. You can rotate your images to 90 degrees, 180 degrees, etc., clockwise or anti-clockwise. Also, you can even rotate images to custom degrees like 45, 60, 70, and so on. Let us get straight to the bulk image rotation methods now.

How do you rotate multiple pictures at once?

To rotate multiple pictures at once, you can use the default feature of Windows 11/10. You can bulk rotate images from the right-click context menu on Windows 11/10 PC. Apart from that, you can also use a free online web service or software that supports batch image rotation. We have mentioned some free tools that you can check out below.

How do I rotate multiple pictures in Windows 10?

Windows 10 provides a native Rotate feature that is accessible from the context menu of images. You can use this option to rotate multiple images at once in Windows 10. We have mentioned the exact procedure that you can read below in this article.

How to Bulk Rotate Images in Windows 11/10

Here are the main methods to bulk rotate images on your Windows 11/10 PC:

  1. Bulk rotate images using Windows inbuilt feature.
  2. Use free online services to batch rotate images.
  3. Batch rotate images using free software.

Let us discuss the above-listed methods in detail now!

1] Bulk rotate images using Windows inbuilt feature

You can rotate multiple images at once using Windows inbuilt Rotate feature. It is an easy and quick way to batch rotate images and you don’t even need any external tool for that. You can rotate multiple images at once right from the context menu in File Explorer on Windows 11/10. Let’s check out the steps to do so.

How to batch rotate images using Windows inbuilt feature from right-click context menu:

Here are the main steps to rotate images in bulk using Windows inbuilt feature from the right-click context menu:

  1. Open the File Explorer.
  2. Go to the folder where your source images are saved.
  3. Select all the images that you want to batch rotate.
  4. Right-click on the selected images.
  5. Press the Rotate right or Right left option.

Let us elaborate on the above steps now!

Firstly, open the File Explorer and then navigate to the source directory where the images that you want to rotate are saved.

After that, press the Ctrl button and use the left mouse-click to select more than one image at once. You can select all the images that you want to rotate.

Next, right-click on any of the selected images, and from the context menu, press the Rotate right or Rotate left option. Use the Rotate right option to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise, while press the Rotate left option to rotate images 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

Now, let’s say you want to rotate images to 180 degrees clockwise, then repeat the above process two times. To bulk rotate images 270 degrees clockwise or anti-clockwise, repeat the process three times.

So, this is how you can bulk rotate images on Windows 11/10 using the right-click context menu.

See: Remove Rotate Left and Rotate Right from Context Menu for Images.

2] Use free online services to batch rotate images

Another way to batch rotate images is to use a free online service. There are multiple free web services that enable you to rotate multiple images at once. Here, we are going to list some websites that you can use to batch rotate images directly in the web browser:

  1. Online Image Tool
  2. Aconvert.com
  3. EdiKer.com

1] Online Image Tool

You can try Online Image Tool to bulk rotate images. It is a very easy-to-use tool. Just upload your images and select rotation degrees to rotate images. You can rotate images 90° left, 90° right, or 180° (upside down). It also shows the preview of rotated images. Here are the exact steps to rotate multiple images at once online:

  1. Firstly, launch a web browser.
  2. Now, head over to the Online Image Tool website.
  3. Next, upload multiple images to it.
  4. After that, select the rotation degrees.
  5. Finally, press the Save All button to download rotated images.

It is a quick and easy tool to batch rotate images.

2] Aconvert.com

Aconvert.com is another web service that you can use to bulk rotate images. It is a free service to convert, compress, resize, rotate, crop, merge, and edit images in bulk online. You can also convert other types of file types including documents, PDFs, eBooks, audio, video, etc.

Follow the below steps in order to rotate multiple images at once using this online service:

  1. First, open a web browser and navigate to Aconvert.com.
  2. Now, choose source images that you want to rotate.
  3. Next, set the Action to Rotate.
  4. After that, you need to enter the rotation degrees. You can enter a positive value (like 90, 180) to rotate images clockwise or enter a negative rotation degree (like -45, -90) to rotate images anti-clockwise.
  5. Finally, you can click on the Submit button to start bulk rotating images.

It will show you the output images that you can download to your PC. It also generates an image URL for each output image that you can share with others on the web.

See: How to Check and Change Image DPI.

3] EdiKer.com

EdiKer.com is a dedicated free online tool to batch resize, rotate, and convert images. You can process your images directly in a web browser. It also provides tools to flip, crop, blur, watermark images as well as change their brightness and contrast. Here are the steps to use this free website:

  1. In a web browser, open the ediker.com website.
  2. Now, drag and drop the source images or browse and import images that you want to bulk rotate.
  3. Next, from the left panel, click on the Rotate option.
  4. After that, select 90, 180, or 270 degrees and then press the Ok button.
  5. Finally, click on the Start Processing button to start the batch image rotation process.

It will process your images and you will be able to download the rotated images in a ZIP folder.

Read: How to Batch Resize Images with GIMP.

3] Batch rotate images using free software

To batch rotate images on Windows 11/10, you can use a free third-party software. There are some freeware that allow you to rotate images in a batch on Windows 11/10. Here are the better bulk image rotate software that you can try:

  1. XnConvert
  2. Acute Batch Image Processor

1] XnConvert

XnConvert is a good free image converter using which you can also batch rotate images in Windows 11/10. It lets you batch convert and edit images and you can easily rotate a set of images at once. Here are steps to use this software:

  1. Download and install XnConvert.
  2. Start the software.
  3. Add input images in the Input tab.
  4. Go to the Actions tab.
  5. Click the Add action > Image > Rotate option.
  6. Enter the rotation degree and set up other options.
  7. Move to the Output tab.
  8. Configure output format and other options.
  9. Press the Convert button.

Firstly, download and install XnConvert and then launch the software to start using it. Now, from the Input tab, add images files or the folder containing source images.

Next, move to the Actions tab and simply click on Add action, and then press the Image > Rotate option.

After that, enter the rotation degrees or use the slider to adjust rotation degrees. If you want to rotate the images counterclockwise, then select a negative degree. Else, keep the rotation degrees in position to batch rotate images clockwise.

You can also preview the rotated images from the right panel.

You now need to go to the Output tab and select an output image format. It lets you select the same native image format or change the format. Also, provide the output location and set up some metadata options.

Finally, press the Convert button to start the batch image rotation process.

RelatedImBatch is a free Batch Image Processing Software for Windows PC.

2] Acute Batch Image Processor

Another freeware that you can try is Acute Batch Image Processor. It is a free and portable software and lets you rotate, resize, or flip images. Follow the below steps to batch rotate images through this portable software:

  1. Download Acute Batch Image Processor.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Go to the Modify tab.
  4. Enable the Rotate checkbox and select rotation degrees.
  5. Set up output options.
  6. Select the source images.

First of all, download and then launch the Acute Batch Image Processor software. You can download it from acutesystems.com.

Now, go to its Modify tab and select the Rotate checkbox, and then select a rotation option from 90 Left, 90 Right, and 180.

Next, move to the Output tab and select the output image format and output folder location.

After that, from the Input tab, select the file extensions that you want to process from the source folder. And then, drop the images or image folder onto its interface.

As you drop source images anywhere on its window, it rotates and saves the output images to the target folder.

That’s it! Hope this helps.

Now read: Best free Image Splitter Software for Windows 11/10.

How to bulk rotate images in Windows 11/10

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