How to buy a web hosting? []
How to buy a web hosting? []
1. Open a website and choose your desired web hosting plan for your website.
2. Click on the Buy button and tick mark “I will use my existing domain and update my name servers” and then choose billing cycle and click on continue button.
3. After clicking on continue button you will go a cart page and click on “Estimate Taxes” and select Your Country & Sate and click on the “Update Totals” button and you can also use Promo Code if available for festival offers. Now click on “Checkout” button and fill your personal details and billing information and click on the complete order button to go for payment.
4. After payment you will get some important emails from GOHOSTGO Company and update your name servers and wait for 24 hours for installing all free SSL certificates automatically. Explaining in easy ways.
— Done —
“Trusted Web Hosting Company”
(Indian Registered Company)
Unlimited Shared Hosting Linux (SSD)
Unlimited Reseller Hosting Linux (SSD)
Unlimited Master Reseller Hosting Linux (SSD)
linux web server