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How to change your WAN IP address

How to change your WAN IP address with out downloading any software, or using a proxy.
(Works best with a Cisco or Linksys router, this may or may not work with modem+router combos)
This works best with Comcast ISP
This video will help you change you WAN IP address so you can get unbanned from gaming servers(Minecraft,WoW, LoL, etc.)/website (Chatroulette, omegle, gaming sites, Teamspeak/Vent) or for your own protection.

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ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

49 thoughts on “How to change your WAN IP address

  • Your Fucking Hacking. I just changed my Gateway and restarted my router and it did not change my IP Address at all. Fuck you.

  • I have Xfinity Wich is the new name for Comcast and I do not have a Cisco router and I do not have a clone mac address option in my gateway admin website. For me there is only a option to manually change the mac address.

  • Mine ip stayed the same with a new router why is that?

  • dude just turn off your modem less than a minute it automatically change your ip you dont need to change your mac for that

  • Thank you so much my son was being harassed online and they kept shutting out wifi off and this video stopped I sincerely want to thank you this was going on for days out internet supplier couldn't do anything everything we tried nothing worked so I am thankful for ppl like you that load videos to help

  • Thank you so much my son was being harassed online and they kept shutting out wifi off and this video stopped I sincerely want to thank you this was going on for days out internet supplier couldn't do anything everything we tried nothing worked so I am thankful for ppl like you that load videos to help

  • Sorry for bumping this fossil but is it possible to change the mac address of your modem?

  • This is all I ever see, yet funny enough, my router has no 'clone mac address' section.

  • It dident help me xD

  • I have an xfinity router/modem and it doesnt say mac clone please help

  • Any one know how to change a arris routers ip im being ddosed

  • Thank You so much I was getting DDOSED and You helped me OMG I love You so much like and gonna recommend every friend

  • whats the purpose of changing your ip address…??pls someone reply

  • ihave a netduma 200 buck gaming router i did what u said to do i changed the last 2 and it did not work i did everything and i also have comcast

  • why does my wifi keeps disconnecting and connect back ? is it the ip address that's not working ? it said obtaining ip address

  • whats the point on doing this?

  • I normally do not comment or like videos but this helped me after sitting through many videos that did not. Thank you.

  • i got banned from a website. i connect to someone else´s network. if i change the ip in my laptop do have i have to change it through the modem as well? if so, how do i do it if it´s not my modem?

  • I have to go to the xfinity website for "" Any tips on how to do the mac address cloning thing from their?

  • Thanks for this, Worked like a charm on my Asus Router

  • ow and btw.. you dont need to shut down the modem and router.. after changing/cloning Mac Adress i did go to "whatIsMyIP" and it immidiatly showed the new IP Adress:)
    forgive my english its not my native language.
    Thanx anyway for the video, now i can acces the website i was "Banned for Life"

  • good vid, but the mac adress cloning thing in my router (exact same as yours!) i did change it once.. it doesnt let me change it for the 2nd time.. is this normal? can i change it manually instead pressing "Clone Mac Adress"

  • i paste my internet ip in the tab but nothing shows it just says "couldnt load page" how to fix?

  • Any idea how to to this from a DLINK router? I don't have a clone mac address option


  • dude i getting kicked offline on xbox. this is so gay!! -_-

  • Depends, in most cases no, but sometimes if both ISPs use the same type of connection (DSL/Cable) then it could work, you would just need to go though you ISP to set it up correctly.

  • My Modem/Router combo doesn't have a Clone MAC Address option, or even a MAC Address section at all.

    Would I be able to use a different Modem from a previous ISP to do it?

  • Worked like a charm! Thanks so very much!

  • Modem/Router combos are different, and most likely wont work the way I showed in this video. On thing is for sure, using this method, the mac address MUST change in order for this to work, however, not all routers support custom setting mac addresses.

  • I have a modem and router combo, but I turned off the the router, bought a new router and connected the new router to the modem. Now I did excactly the same as you and still won't work, also I can only change my mac address to factory or 1 else, is that normal? Can you please help me?

  • Check the bottom of your router, most of the time it is on there. If not, google you brand and look for a list of the defaults.

  • followed the instructions verbatim as i was watching the video, and got little nervous when i did the clone MAC and the internet shut off and video stopped.. i was like WTH but after the unplug and reboot i saw that i was basically done.. Thanks for the help.. very useful and clearly explained.

  • Yes, If you move form one house to a new house, Most likely your IP will change on its own.

  • Start watching the video at 1:50, make sure you are typing your "Default Gateway" IP address into your web browser.

  • when i tried putting in my ip address in the search tool bar the login didnt pop up:/ i need help please?

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