How to clean up files on Windows 10. SFC and DISM

Hey everybody, let me show you two of the embedded tools in Windows, to check your file system and windows components on windows. We have DISM which stands for Deployment Image Servicing Management and SFC which is System File Checker. These helps see if there is corruption in windows. For DISM: You need to run DISM from an elevated command prompt:
Tap on the Windows-key to bring up the start menu.
Type cmd.exe and wait for the results to populate.
Right-click on the result named cmd.exe and select “run as administrator” to run it with elevated privileges.
Copy and paste command line options below:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth (quick check)

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth (complete check with more detail if problems are found)

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth (repair problems)
Quick check will scan for logs and see if there are reported errors in windows, the scan health actually checks for errors and then restore health will fix them. You can copy and paste those commands and follow those instructions. And run a check health first and then a scan health. For the SFS:
You need to run SFC from an elevated command prompt:
Tap on the Windows-key to bring up the start menu.
Type cmd.exe and wait for the results to populate.
Right-click on the result named cmd.exe and select “run as administrator” to run it with elevated privileges.
Copy and paste command line option below:
sfc /scannow
This will scan the computer and check your files, it will also repair the corruption if it can if not it’ll tell you it found some but could not fix. And there you have it 2 ways to be able to use Windows own file systems. And that’s what’s going on today at PC911.

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