How to Configure a Subdomain Mail Server
In this video i have demonstrated how to configure a subdomain mail server. normally we setup mail server for the whole domain, to receive mail for the domain users, with ‘user@domain’ form. but if we have subdomain for other business unit and we want email address will be specific to that business unit like ‘’. to receive mail with subdomain form, we need to create subdomain mail server, Or, we can configure the existing mail server to receive mail for both domain and subdomain form. mail server for domain and mail server for subdomain has no special configuration difference. postfix $mydestination parameter is used to specify how we want our server to receive mail. we can mention to receive mail either user@domain or user@subdomain form. i have configured the server and tested the scenario successfully, after watching the video you will get a clear picture of how to configure a subdomain mail server.
How to Configure Subdomain MX :
Linux Mail Server Configuration Step By Step:
#linuxmailserver #subdomain #mxrecord
by mailserverguru
linux smtp server
Hey, Thanks for such an informative video. I wasn't exactly looking for this but it helped me a lot.
hi, your tuto is very well. So, can you do the configuration DNS on linux ? config of main.conf, resolv.conf , forward.db, reverse.db, etc … file utils to confige DNS on linux please ? thanks