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How to Configure Host-Only Networking with VMware Workstation

VMware Workstation will place your virtual machines on the NAT (Network Address Translation) network by default whenever you create a new VM. This allows your virtual machines to communicate with the host and also share its network connection.

If you need to isolate a virtual machine, you can place it in a host only network on a different subnet so only the host and that VM can communicate. You can also add other VMs to this host only network as needed as well as create additional host only networks for other virtual machines.

Here is a writeup of the process on our website.

Check out our book (VMware Workstation Made Easy) that is designed to take your virtualization skills to the next level!



by OnlineComputerTips

linux dhcp client


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

11 thoughts on “How to Configure Host-Only Networking with VMware Workstation

  • thank you sire for this information , keep up the good work

  • My toughts were can the vm talk to the host?
    its better to disable in host the adapters so that the conection beetween are cut off
    I mean the whole thing is
    is bi directional ping
    or only host can ping a VM

    because if vm can ping host it means I believ its not secure
    am I right?

  • Please sir can you help me. I"m trying to connect a vmware vm(widows / linux) whith gns3 network , but it didnt work. I didnt play with any critical configuration in both gns3 and vmware, I followed alots of tutorials about this problem they fixed the problem but i couldnt, although I exactly followed the same steps.

  • I did the same and added Horizon Agent With direct connect plug-in.
    I can access it from web browser anywhere.

  • Do you have a video or any tips on how to set up a VM isolated from my network? I'm trying to do malware analysis.

  • 3:15 is allowing files and printer sharing safe? Will hackers attack my PC if I enable it in firewall?

  • Thank you very much. I set all things like you and it works (ping command). THEN I try to go through Remot Desktop from Host to VMs, that doesn't work, but VMs can have access remotely to each other. IS IT POSSIBLE TO ACCESS the VMs through Host (physical computer) by Remote Desktop Connection? 🙏🌹🌹

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