How to configure SquirrelMail on a Linux system | squirrelmail configuration
SquirrelMail is an open source web-based mail client written in PHP with support for SMTP and IMAP protocol.
Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system.
mail server linux
squirrelmail server configuration step by step
SquirrelMail Server Configuration in Linux | WebMail Server RHEL -7
smtp mail server setup
smtp server setup in linux
squirrelmail webmail
Configure Email Server using PostFix, Dovecot and Squirrel Mail in RHEL 7 (CentOS 7)|
WebMail Server||SquirrelMail||Postfix||Dovecot Installation on Rhel7.x/Centos7
squirrelmail configuration
Linux POSTFIX Tutorial to send EMAIL
How to Install and Configure a Postfix Mail Server with Dovecot on Linux-7
Start and enable service
# service dovecot restart
# chkconfig dovecot on
# systemctl status dovecot
#systemctl status dovecot
#systemctl enable dovecot
#systemctl start dovecot
#systemctl status dovecot
17 cd /tmp/
18 ll
19 tar xvfz squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.tar.gz
20 ll
21 mv squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22 /var/www/html
22 cd
24 yum install httpd -y
25 systemctl enable httpd
26 systemctl start httpd
27 cd /tmp/
28 ll
29 mv squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22 /var/www/html/
29 cd
30 cd /var/www/html/
31 ll
32 mv squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22 webmail
33 ll
34 cd webmail/
35 ll
36 cd config/
37 ll
38 ./
centos 7
Very very knowledgeable video. Thanks team and waiting for next episode shortly before one week
Thanks for this video
Good initiative
Interesting that
Efficient learning
Yes. Helpfully ❤
Need to more video on linux
Great explanation
More efficient for linix platform
Waiting for next
Looking good and waiting for next episode
Very good learning
Great learning
Thanks for your message
Great . We learn it
Informative and ok 👍