Linux serverlinux web serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

How to configure Tomcat to support SSL or HTTPS?

Hello Everyone!

In this video tutorial, you will learn to configure Tomcat to support SSL or https. You can run your project on localhost with https. This is very easy you guys can do it your own. Please follow the steps described in the video and just do the same to configure tomcat to support https on your machine. and further you can test it by deploying a web application war in tomcat.

# Important: Notes file download link:-
Please download this text file. This file has all commands to generate a keystore file and ‘connector’ tags value that we have to replace and security tag that you need to add in web.xml to force web application to run on https.

#TomacatSSL #TomacatHttps


by Cool IT Help

linux http server

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