How to Configure Two Routers using CLI in Cisco Packet Tracer
How to Connect Two Router using CLI in Cisco Packet Tracer
Welcome to NetstrikersDotCom,
As in our previous tutorial we had configured two routers in Cisco Packet Tracer using the Graphical User Interface But in this Tutorial we are going to do the same by using the Command Line Interface (CLI) of Cisco Packet Tracer 6.10 in Ubuntu 14.04.
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cisco academie
Sir when I write interface command it give it invalid??
4uck your english
Sir are you giving online training for ccna?
Tutorial de indiano, bom demais ksksi
I came for router options not showing, i just neeed to press enter to get that lol 😁😂
How can i assigned the ip address to end devices in cli??
Thank youuuu!
I've been in and out of Cisco stuff for a few years but never really grasped it as well until now! Sir as this will help me so much! Thank you 🙂
Veryyyyy Good explanation………. Keep it up.
I'm still learning now. But, i can't remember This commands would you give me like any idea or tips to remember this commands permanently.
How can we check wichport router is comected
Can u teach us ccna courses
Is this static or dynamic route?
sir pls help me in solving this problem
What is need of Router in Internet? Explain Static and Dynamic routing. Configure two routers with two
host each and protocol PPP and RIP on different router with complete diagram and steps of Router
Thanking you sir
Why you not attached the source code?
Great video 👍
Thank you for the vid Sir
Thank you very much it was a very clear concept and learning how to run the CLI and do stuffs with it is kind of interesting now
why we should do Router(config)#interface serial 2/0(7:25 video duration)?
And what will happen if we won't do so,while configuring two router?
great vid. quick question: i did sh ip int brief on the router and it shows Serial0/0/1 unassigned . what does that mean because the only se ports i see are se0/0/0. I'm a ECPI Student Still Learning So bear with me.
sir you are amazing the way you are deliver lectures is awsum..sir i want to start from the beginning from where i will get a beginning classes kindly tell me it will be highly appreciatedif possible than provide me your classes link here thanks
It is so helpful to me to understand. Thank you very much.
Thanks Man
how i configer switch
Thank you<3
Sir how to connect or configure two router using fastEthernet 1/0
Kadak bhai ek number bhai better than CLG teacher
sir 1s send commands step by step
why you not implement ip routing …this is not beneficial
thanks so much sir .. well explained and so ez to understand .. GJ (Y)
i sub to you man. good job
Thank you so much for that tutorial
Thank you!
Thank you sir.
Hi I need some solution on home network to get configure. Can u give whats app number. I can pay for the service. I have rv042 router asa 5505 and switch 24 managed switch.
how can I give internet to router.
u hit your keyboard so hard
Great tutorial Aaditya. It really helped me a lot. Many thanks.
Legendary (~_@)
clock rate what is for ? and it is necessary to add ?
Does the app need's internet to stimulate