Linux serverlinux web serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

How To Connect To The Internet From The Command Line On Linux

On Linux, the desktop environment automatically connects to the internet. It can connect to WiFi or Ethernet network. This is great, but if you need to accessing the internet via the command line, it doesn’t let you. That’s why in this article, we’re going to go over how to connect to the internet from The command line in Linux. We’ll cover both Ethernet connections, as well as wireless networks.


by AddictiveTipsTV

linux web server

17 thoughts on “How To Connect To The Internet From The Command Line On Linux

  • Another video with small text in the terminal, so small I can not read text in youtube full screen mode

  • If you can't reach the internet and you don't have DHCPD installed how are you supposed to use DHCPD? Seems a bit strange to me.

  • We need something simple just click on the WiFi or Ethernet put your password and connect.

  • Dhcpcd shows command not found..I am trying to connect to internet on my computer via terminal without GUI..but I also have to enter my credentials on a specific webpage for authentication…how can I do it using just the terminal?

  • Hey man, My ISP has a daily internet data limit on usage. So as soon as the daily data limit runs out (internet is consumed) I see a prompt to pay them extra money to continue using the internet on the same speed or to continue using internet on reduced speed. I decline the offer I get in the prompt. So, the internet works in the browsers and some of the programs. But the internet doesn't work in the terminal when using apt or in the synaptic package manager. I mean the internet dosen't work in the core parts of the elementary OS. Is there any suggested fix for this ?

  • can you make a video showing how to do this but manually without having to install dhcpcd?

  • When people click on a video like this, They have already read the title
    When people click on a video like this, , they are probably frustrated because they are struggling with an ISSUE

    Cut the fucking intros out
    Don't fucking tell us what the video is about – we already read the title
    And don't tell us what you WON'T cover in the video

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