How to Create a Custom Ubuntu ISO
In this video I am going to show you how easy it is to create your own custom Debian or Ubuntu ISO.
You might want to do this to have greater control over your ISO or make a custom ISO that has all the software that you want already to go.
(Side note. I know at the end of the video there is a an error thrown. Davinci resolve had a moment with me and caused an issue at the end that does not effect the video as a whole.)
Commands used in the video
sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:cubic-wizard/release
sudo apt update
sudo apt install –no-install-recommends cubic
I stream at
#linux #cubic #ubuntu
caught me off guard 7:10
Great video, thanks!
I was thinking of automating this process a bit by using docker containers. So my idea is to run a Dockerfile, which should generate an Ubuntu ISO with a custom installer. Do you think this approach is possible?
Thanks dude
Hello, thank you for the video, i have a question: if i install another kernel, borh kernels will be available when i boot live usb?
How can I customise my networks? I want only a few sites to be accessed; all other sites want to be blocked.
OS inception much wow
P.S. I appreciate you & the installation tutorial
Scared the 💩 out of me when youn sneezed. Great video and I'm wide awake now 😅
è possibile cambiare lo sfondo della iso? grazie
Great video! But do you have any recommendations on how to make an Ubuntu ISO, from the actual install? I have my Linux distro I am working on, and I want to make an ISO image of the system. Any ideas?
At last a video without silly music. So thanks for showing how to make a custom iso. What I am also looking for is how to feed in hostname, ipaddress etc and after boot into fresh VM the system configures itself. I have seen this autoinstall stuff. Seems way to complex. I did think about creating a VM, copy HD, login, patch hostname etc, repeat until done.
Looking for a simpler solution
Hello from México, excellent video; I am looking for how to encrypt a partition of the image so that when installing, automatically, a partition is already encrypted. is this possible?
How can i make it with persistent volume ?
sniffed? sneezing and talking. In short, fuck such a draft, need special motivation here.
Are you British? Because your accent is very good and you sound like you have a British accent.
Great Video.
Is there an option to pre-install packets like docker or cowsay, so i will be installed by using the ISO in a VM?
Great video. I suspect you should have used /etc/skel for the files you wanted in the new install. I've used CUBIC myself to build a kustom Kubuntu with all the software I wanted installed, some removed, a small post install script on the desktop, customised BTRFS install with compression enabled (that was a PITA requiring the installer/partitioner to be "fixed"). All I have to do post install is run the script (a few seconds) and then sign in to my Brave and my bookmarks etc appear. Think I am now ready to properly switch to Linux 🙂
Interesting app,.although most annoying Ubuntu install fail is not being able to do an encrypted ZFS without hacking the ubuquity scripts. Oh been playing with Kasm workspaces, super good framework for running single apps or desktops in containers and streaming desktop to browser.