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How to Create AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

In this video, I’d happy to share with you, guys, about how to create AWS access key ID and secret access key for granting programmatic access to applications that use Amazon Web Services (AWS) such as Amazon S3.

To follow this video, you must have:
– An AWS account. If not, follow this video:
– An IAM admin user. If not, follow this video:


by Code Java

linux smtp client

19 thoughts on “How to Create AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

  • This is a splendid read. A related book I read was a tipping point in my life. "AWS Unleashed: Mastering Amazon Web Services for Software Engineers" by Harrison Quill

  • Hi sir
    I ddint get access key and secreate key in my console can u please help ,me out

  • Oh my! This was way easier than I thought! I wish the AWS team didn't assume this was obvious to everyone!

  • can you provide me one secret key as i am not able to create account stuck in somwwhere

  • Just one remark, and don't take this personally – I would say the same criticism about the AWS documentation website and a lot of other documentations/tutorial videos too about many other topics. If people didn't already know or have an idea what an access key is, they wouldn't be searching for how to get one. It would be nice if tutorials and documentations just go straight to the point.

  • When I try to create the user instead of the 'Select AWS access type' it says: 'For programmatic access, you can generate access keys after you create the user.' any idea how to fix that?

  • Hi

    While creating the key id password I did a mistake

    I created the two times keys IDs and used the first-time created id and the second-time created key id (password) and I was in a mess. I entered this in the command prompt, and now every time I command in , I get an error with the old id and password credential, even after making a new key id I don’t have access to the command there any way I can clear the data from the command line? Every time I configure AWS command the back id and password come, please guide me, I deleted the key which I made I deleted the IAM user and I created a new user but still, the result is the same in the command.

  • how does the user get notified an account has been created and of the access and secret key?

  • thanks for the video! I did just what you said but still can't publish videos from my site with new keys.

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