How to create DNS Alias for Managed Instance and connect to it with Private End Point
This video explains about different ways of connecting to the Managed Instance.
1)Public Endpoint: We can connect from anywhere without the need of Point to site or site to site or Express route provided if you enable the port 3342 inside Managed instance Virtual network inbound rules.
2)VNET Local Endpoint: This is the default way of connecting to the Managed instance and it makes use of port 1433 and for re-direct connection type it makes use of port range between 11000-11999
3) Private End Point: Like Azure SQL now we can connect even to MI using private end points. We don’t need to have any connectivity(like peering or VNET to VNET) between MI VNET and the SQL Azure VM Virtual network. Also there are several other use cases which can be read from MS documentation.
Also when we create MI it comes up with the below format
[miname].[dns].[database].[windows].[net] and say you got a requirement where you would like to have alias for it say [miname].[domainname].[com] then it can be done by watching the above video.
by vamsy chiranjeevi
windows server dns