How to Create Windows 7 Bootable USB Drive [2021 Tutorial]
How to Create a Windows Bootable USB Drive:
If you want a quick and easy solution to installing Windows 7 from a bootable USB drive, try Microsoft’s dedicated, downloadable tool.
To install the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool:
1. Click to open the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool page.
2. Click ‘Download’ then ‘Run’.
3. Follow the steps in the setup dialogs. You’ll have the option to specify where to install the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.
You must be an administrator on the computer on which you are installing the Windows USB/DVD Download tool. It requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher.
● Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
● Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster (300MHz is recommended)
● 50MB of free space on your hard drive
● DVD-R drive or 4GB removable USB drive
Before you run the Download Tool, make sure you have purchased the Windows ISO download from Microsoft Store and downloaded the Windows ISO file to your drive. If you have purchased Windows but have not yet downloaded the ISO file, you can download the ISO file from your Microsoft Store Account.
1. Click the Windows START button, and click WINDOWS USB/DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL in the ALL PROGRAMS list to open the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.
2. In the SOURCE FILE box, type the name and path of your Windows ISO file, or click BROWSE and select the file from the OPEN dialog box. Click NEXT.
3. Select USB DEVICE to create a copy on a USB flash drive or select DVD disk to create a copy on a DVD disk.
4. If you are copying the file to a USB flash drive, select your USB device in the drop-down list and click BEGIN COPYING. If you are copying the file up to a DVD, click BEGIN BURNING.
When your Windows ISO file is copied to your drive, install Windows by moving to the root folder of your DVD or USB drive, and then double-click Setup.exe.
When you download Windows from Microsoft Store, you have two options: You can download a collection of compressed files, or you can download an ISO file. An ISO file combines all the Windows installation files into a single uncompressed file.
If you choose to download an ISO file so you can create a bootable file from a DVD or USB drive, copy the Windows ISO file onto your drive and then run the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool. Then simply install Windows onto your computer directly from your USB or DVD drive.
When you download the ISO file, you must copy it onto a USB or DVD. When you’re ready to install Windows, insert the USB drive or DVD with the ISO file on it and then run Setup.exe from the root folder on the drive.
This allows you to install Windows onto your machine without having to first run an existing operating system. If you change the boot order of drives in your computer’s BIOS, you can run the Windows installation directly from your USB drive or DVD when you first turn on your computer. Please see the documentation for your computer for information about how to change the BIOS boot order of drives.
To install the software, you can make one copy of the ISO file on a disc, USB flash drive, or other media.
After you’ve installed the software and accepted the license terms that accompany the software, those license terms apply to your use of the software. The license terms for Windows permit you to make one copy of the software as a back-up copy for re-installation on the licensed computer. If you do not delete your copy of the ISO file after installing the Windows software, the copy of the ISO file counts as your one back-up copy.
If you need to download the software again, you can go to your Download Purchase History in your Microsoft Store account and access the download there.
how to repair windows 7
Can i have mega link or media fire link for ISO it's not in the Microsoft store anymore
Hi I have managed to do all these steps correctly but when I get to the installation and it says "starting windows" with the windows logo it's freezes. How do I fix this??
the tool is gone
Hello, I managed to get in but I can’t see my cursor anywhere and my keyboard doesn’t work on it
Can't find the iso
so now it says 404 error not found when you go to the usb dvd download link
Help it says "File copied successfully. However were unable to bootsect to make the USB device bootable
Where can i get the iso windows 7 file?
the windows usb/dvd download area has been taken down
I get "Files copied succesfully. However we were unable to run bootsect to make the USB device bootable"
Hi. I'm stuck when I choose source file. It says (The selected file is not a valid ISO file. Please select a valid ISO file and try again.) Can u help me??
Is it possible to create bootable usb in a computer and boot it up in a different computer?
cool video. is there a product key for windows 7 ? i am going to try this out tonight 🙂
Does this have its own built usb 3.0 drivers? Cuz when i tried to install windows 7 in my pc my mouse and keyboard doesn't work
Must the usb be formatted before the process
how do we install the iso
What I'm trying to do is put Windows 7 on an older laptop. It's guaranteed I won't mess up my Windows 10 if I follow these steps? Also, could you provide the link to the ISO? I hope it's safe to download…
Is this 64bit window 7?
Question, I have a usb to type c adapter for my phone, my question is can I download the ISO file and the tool straight from my phone to the usb, or do I have to do it from a pc??
Download no longer available is what comes up now 😩
it is not available on microsoft any more.
worked perfectly
thank you
It says here that the download is no longer available, is there another way to download the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool?
Hello, how are you? Always use this program, but recently I stopped recognizing the pendrives, put them in the port that I put them, HELP !!
can i do this without productkey? because i dont have 🙁