• the footprints don't cover the region of interest ..what should I do?

  • Well I m glad after watching ur vdo. i had watched this 3-4 times while i was doing usgs side by side so that i will understand easily. But i faced some issues ,when i fill-up every detail in SEARCH CRITERIA and in DATA SET like u did, after that it is showing 'NO RESULTS FOUND'. I just filled up like u did. From past 3-4 days i m just looking where do i lack but its nowhere … can u pls tell me or guide me? hope u will answer me as soon as possible

  • will the downloaded image will be of your selected polygon or the whole footprint
    also what will be the resolution

  • Very clear and well presented vid..Can we dwld drought condition data from this website.If yes then please elaborate..

  • Can you use it for personal use? I mean I'm a satellite enthusiast and I just want some recent images of my area.

  • One of the most precise video on how to download landsat images, thank you so much. ❤

  • Thank you
    I have a question, When i download the Landsat 8 there is no Band 11, is there any way to replace it with other bands for LST analysis?

  • Hi, can I know y u suggested downloading each satellite imagery individually and not the bundle of it, at the end of the video ???
    U selected a polygon on map will the downloaded Landsat 8 images be In polygon shape OR Square shape which emerged at the end??

  • I've been struggling to 'zoom' into a particular glacier using Landsat. I've tried the polgon etc but it still is showing me the larger footprint, which when exported to ArcGis the glacier in question just isn't visible! Pls help!

  • Thank you for the video. Why it is better to download them one by one?

  • very simple and secure, i wonder why i took long to discover your channel.

  • Thank you
    Can you tell me what the benefits of setting a cloud cover

    My area of interest always appear with white cloud above how to avoid those cloud?

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