How to download Lazy-Privesc on USB (Kali Linux /Linux)

The Link of The Lazy-Privilege-Escalation : https://github.com/3SKIZE/The-Lazy-Privilege-Escalation

The Link of Sherlock : https://github.com/rasta-mouse/Sherlock/blob/master/Sherlock.ps1
The Link of Windows-privesc-check : https://github.com/pentestmonkey/windows-privesc-check

A script by @Given$ What is this script ? It is a batch script for windows privilege escalation (local) he ‘s regrouping Sherlock-master and Windows-Privesc-check-master (and soon I hope other script will be add) It is a script for the lazy ! It facilitates the use of them too brilliant and very powerful tools with its command line interface very easy to use with an agent system (number)

It is a very practical transportable script that we download to a USB key that we plug into a machine that we have physical access to (for example during the absence of your boss …) and that we launch on the target machine. And we can then exploit the vulnerabilities found via metasploit for example. But if you want you can use this script on a meterpreter session from a distance to scan for exploit.

How to do your L.P.E usb ? For local privilege escalation ? First you must install the requirements (see README-requirements) after clone this repositories (L.P.E) on your USB for Linux and for Windows download and extract the .zip at the root of your USB.

Utilisation: To use this you must have a physical access to the Computer of your victim or a shell meterpreter on the machine of the victim. After Download just start the script and choose an agent

\ Attention I am just 13 years old and I use the batch beacause it more easy for me//// \ Attention The update system is not ready and I don’t know how I can do to create this update system so If you want to help me Lets go !////

You can join me for question or advice for me here adresseops@gmail.com

Thanks to the creator of Sherlock and of windows-privesc-check

Thank you for your visit ! @Given$


by AfraL – YT

linux download

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