How to dual boot Android with Ubuntu
This video teaches you how to dual boot Android (Phoenix OS) along with Ubuntu in same PC. Follow the steps carefully and if you confront any problems, don’t hesitate to comment and ask me…This OS will help you to play android games like pubg and call of duty in your PC.
Phoenix OS download link:
grub customizer downlaod page:
Open root-File manager:
$ sudo nautilus
Phoenix OS boot sequence:
insmod part_gpt
search –file –no-floppy –set=root /phoenix/system.sfs
linux /phoenix/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x64 SRC=phoenix/
initrd /phoenix/initrd.img
make sure that you have named the Phoenix os folder in root repo same as in boot sequence code (linux /phoenix/kernel root=/dev)
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