How to Dual Boot Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Windows 10 Pro (bitlocker) | step by step | [2021]

First, download Ubuntu from here – https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop
Next, download Rufus from here – https://rufus.ie/en_US/
In this video we are using Windows 10 Pro Dev Edition and we had to Turn Off RST and BitLocker before Ubuntu was able to download. When you turn off RST your computer may show an error at first so just turn it off and restart. What I did (wasn’t shown in the video) was boot it into safe mode to see if Windows 10 Pro was able to boot (because I kept getting the Error) so it did boot in safe mode so I then turned off and booted it normally and it worked fine. This was my first time doing Ubuntu dual boot with Windows 10 Pro so when I got the messages on Ubuntu to ‘Turn off RST’ and ‘Turn off BitLocker’ I was like “oops!”. Wasn’t running as smooth for the video as I thought so I cut those parts outs out. I know I was like “Why isn’t Windows Running When I Turn Off RST!!!”, but in the end I did nothing else other than turn it off and restart my computer (with no dice), then rebooted it in safe mode to try and eliminate some issues, but when it started in safe mode I knew Windows SHOULD work so I just powered off safe mode (Shut down) and started it again and it loaded fine.
I found also that I have an external drive that had BitLocker enabled and Ubuntu read it and said “Turn Off BitLocker” so to fix that I just unplugged my external drive and it worked fine. I plugged in my BitLocker Encrypted External Drive after words and everything was all good.
I hope this video helps you! Again all my videos are unscripted and lots of times I do things for the first time and record. It’s kind of a record for myself as well to look back on “How did I do that again” type of thing. I do plan to get some videos up for sugar-on-a-stick USB for my younger children to play with a kids style Linux. As well, I think tomorrow I will install Kali-Linux on my Windows 10 Pro device so we’ll have Three Bootable Operating Systems to chose from.
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