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How to Easily Install Arch Linux with the Official Guided Arch Linux Installation Script

In this video I cover how to install Arch Linux using the official guided Arch Linux installation script.


When it comes to Arch Linux, normally you would have to follow the steps on the Arch wiki, however with the inclusion of this script, installation is much more straightforward.

Although I will say that if you have never used Linux before, unless you want a huge learning curve, then install a distribution such as Ubuntu until you at least have the basics covered.


For more information on this installation script, you can check out the official Github page for this project.

But the general idea is that you burn the Arch Linux ISO to bootable media, boot from it and launch the script using the archinstall command through the tty1 interface.

From here, you will be asked a series of questions, so provide the answers which are relevant to your system.

Once the process is completed, then remove your installation media and reboot the system to boot into your new installation of Arch Linux.

#archlinux #guidedinstaller #tutorial


by Intelligent Gaming – Linux Tutorials & Gameplay

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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