Computer NetworksNETWORKS

How to Enable NAT with Masquerade in Mikrotik

### How to Enable NAT with Masquerade in Mikrotik

Network Address Translation (NAT) with masquerading is a crucial feature for enabling multiple devices on a local network to access the internet through a single public IP address. Mikrotik routers offer powerful tools to set up and manage NAT with masquerading efficiently. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling NAT with masquerade on a Mikrotik router, ensuring your network is both secure and optimized for internet connectivity.

**Step-by-Step Guide:**

1. **Access Mikrotik Router:**
– Connect to your Mikrotik router using Winbox or via the web interface.
– Log in with your admin credentials.

2. **Navigate to IP Firewall:**
– In the Mikrotik interface, go to the “IP” menu and select “Firewall”.
– This will open the Firewall configuration window.

3. **Create NAT Rule:**
– Within the Firewall window, go to the “NAT” tab.
– Click on the “+” button to add a new NAT rule.

4. **Configure General Settings:**
– Set the “Chain” to `srcnat`.
– In the “Out. Interface” field, specify the interface that connects to the internet (e.g., `ether1` or `pppoe-out1`).

5. **Set Action to Masquerade:**
– Switch to the “Action” tab.
– Set the “Action” to `masquerade`.

6. **Apply and Save:**
– Click “Apply” and then “OK” to save the new NAT rule.
– Ensure that the rule is enabled and active.

7. **Verify Configuration:**
– Test the configuration by connecting a device to your local network and accessing the internet.
– Use diagnostic tools such as `ping` or `traceroute` to confirm proper NAT operation.

– Ensure that your firewall rules are properly configured to allow desired traffic through the router.
– Regularly update your Mikrotik router firmware to maintain security and performance.

By following these steps, you will enable NAT with masquerade on your Mikrotik router, allowing multiple devices on your local network to share a single public IP address for internet access. This setup is ideal for small to medium-sized networks where efficient and secure internet connectivity is essential.


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.