How to enable or disable Notifications from Windows Security Center

Network isolation Your IT administrator has caused Windows Defender to disconnect your device. Contact IT help desk. SENSE_ISOLATION Yes Network isolation customized Company name has caused Windows Defender to disconnect your device. Contact IT help desk phone numberemail addressurl. SENSE_ISOLATION_CUSTOM (body) Yes Restricted access Your IT administrator has caused Windows Defender to limit actions on this device. Some apps may not function as expected. Contact IT help desk. SENSE_PROCESS_RESTRICTION Yes Restricted access customized Company has caused Windows Defender to limit actions on this device. Some apps may not function as expected. Contact IT help desk. SENSE_PROCESS_RESTRICTION_CUSTOM (body) Yes HVCI, driver compat check fails (upon trying to enable) There may be an incompatibility on your device. HVCI_ENABLE_FAILURE Yes HVCI, reboot needed to enable The recent change to your protection settings requires a restart of your device. HVCI_ENABLE_SUCCESS Yes Item skipped in scan, due to exclusion setting, or network scanning disabled by admin The Microsoft Defender Antivirus scan skipped an item due to exclusion or network scanning settings. ITEM_SKIPPED Yes Remediation failure Microsoft Defender Antivirus couldn’t completely resolve potential threats. CLEAN_FAILED Yes Follow-up action (restart & scan) Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file name. Please restart and scan your device. Restart and scan MANUALSTEPS_REQUIRED Yes Follow-up action (restart) Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file. Please restart your device. WDAV_REBOOT Yes Follow-up action (Full scan) Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file. Please run a full scan of your device. FULLSCAN_REQUIRED Yes Sample submission prompt Review files that Windows Defender will send to Microsoft. Sending this information can improve how Microsoft Defender Antivirus helps protect your device. SAMPLE_SUBMISSION_REQUIRED Yes OS support ending warning Support for your version of Windows is ending. When this support ends, Microsoft Defender Antivirus won’t be supported, and your device might be at risk. SUPPORT_ENDING Yes OS support ended, device at risk Support for your version of Windows has ended. Microsoft Defender Antivirus is no longer supported, and your device might be at risk. SUPPORT_ENDED and SUPPORT_ENDED_NO_DEFENDER Yes Summary notification, items found Microsoft Defender Antivirus successfully took action on n threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned n times. RECAP_FOUND_THREATS_SCANNED No Summary notification, items found, no scan count Microsoft Defender Antivirus successfully took action on n threats since your last summary. RECAP_FOUND_THREATS No Summary notification, no items found, scans performed Microsoft Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned n times. RECAP_NO THREATS_SCANNED No Summary notification, no items found, no scans Microsoft Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary. RECAP_NO_THREATS No Scan finished, manual, threats found Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanned your device at timestamp on date, and took action against threats. RECENT_SCAN_FOUND_THREATS No Scan finished, manual, no threats found Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanned your device at timestamp on date. No threats were found. RECENT_SCAN_NO_THREATS No Threat found Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threats. Get details. CRITICAL No LPS on notification Microsoft Defender Antivirus is periodically scanning your device. You’re also using another antivirus program for active protection. PERIODIC_SCANNING_ON No Long running BaFS Your IT administrator requires a security scan of this item. The scan could take up to n seconds. BAFS No Long running BaFS customized Company requires a security scan of this item. The scan could take up to n seconds. BAFS_DETECTED_CUSTOM (body) No Sense detection This application was removed because it was blocked by your IT security settings WDAV_SENSE_DETECTED No Sense detection customized This application was removed because it was blocked by your IT security settings WDAV_SENSE_DETECTED_CUSTOM (body) No Ransomware specific detection Microsoft Defender Antivirus has detected threats which may include ransomware. WDAV_RANSOMWARE_DETECTED No ASR (HIPS) block Your IT administrator caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this action. Contact your IT help desk. HIPS_ASR_BLOCKED No ASR (HIPS) block customized Company caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this action. Contact your IT help desk. HIPS_ASR_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body) No CFA (FolderGuard) block Controlled folder access blocked process from making changes to the folder path FOLDERGUARD_BLOCKED No Network protect (HIPS) network block customized Company caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this network connection. Contact your IT help desk. HIPS_NETWORK_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body) No Network protection (HIPS) network block Your IT administrator caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this network connection. Contact your IT help desk. HIPS_NETWORK_BLOCKED No PUA detection, not blocked Your settings cause the detection of any app that might perform unwanted actions on your computer. PUA_DETECTED No PUA notification Your IT settings caused Microsoft Defender Antivirus to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device. PUA_BLOCKED No PUA notification, customized Company caused Microsoft Defender Antivirus to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device. PUA_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body) No Network isolation ended No Network isolation ended, customized No Restricted access ended No Restricted access ended, customized No Dynamic lock on, but bluetooth off No Dynamic lock on, bluetooth on, but device unpaired No Dynamic lock on, bluetooth on, but unable to detect device No NoPa or federated no hello No NoPa or federated hello broken No

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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