How to Exclude Internal Traffic/IP Address from Google Analytics in Hindi | Filter Internal Traffic
In this video, we are going to discuss how to exclude or block internal traffic/IP address from Google Analytics in Hindi. You can easily filter out internal traffic in Google Analytics, follow these steps;
1. Go to Admin. You will see Account, Property, and View.
2. You will see the Filter option in View. Click on Filter.
3. You will see Add Filter option. Click on Add Filter.
4. You will see Add Filter to View option. Choose to “Create New Filter”.
5. Put Internal Traffic in Filter Name.
6. Choose Predefined in Filter Type. Select Filter Type as “Exclude”. Select Source or Destination as “Traffic from the IP Addresses”. Select expression as “thats are equal to”.
7. Go to Google and search What is My IP. You will get your IP Address. Copy the IP Address.
8. Paste the IP Address in the IP Address section. Click on Save by doing the full screen by F11. It will successfully block the internal traffic/IP address in Google Analytics.
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ip address