How to extract Text from an Image using Word

Sometimes you scanned a document but want to make changes to it but do not know how to; there is a feature in Microsoft Word that can extract text from images, especially if it’s an image of a document. The images are usually in JPEG format. Extracting text from images to a word document is an excellent option for businesses, schools, and institutions to save and convert their scanned documents to a word document where they can update them anytime.

How to extract Text from an Image in Word

Open Microsoft Word.

How to extract Text from an Image in Microsoft Word

Insert a text image or a scanned document image into the Word document.

Do not use a random image off the internet.

To extract the text from the image, you need to save the image as a PDF file.

To save the image as PDF, go to the File tab.

On the Backstage View, click Save As.

On Save As, click Browse.

A Save As dialog box will pop up.

In the File Name section, name the file.

In the Save as Type section, click on the drop-down arrow and select PDF from the list.

Then, Save the file.

The file is saved as a PDF.

Now, we will open the PDF we just created.

Click the File tab.

On the Backstage View; Click Open.

On Open, click Browse.

An Open dialog box will appear; click the saved PDF file, then click Open.

A message box will pop up; click Ok.

The file will start to convert to text.

Now we have an image converted to text in a word document, and you can make necessary changes to the text by editing.

We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to extract text from an image in Microsoft Word; if you have questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments.

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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