How to find and highlight Duplicate Cells in Excel

In this article, we will show you how to find and highlight duplicate cells in Microsoft Excel. When there is limited data in your Excel worksheet, you can easily find the duplicate cells manually. But when you are dealing with massive data in an Excel worksheet, this feature comes in handy. Also, sometimes the duplicate values in an Excel worksheet can create confusion and make data harder to understand.

Find and highlight Duplicate Cells in Excel

By using the Highlight Cells Rules, you can highlight duplicate cells in your Excel worksheet to avoid confusion and mistakes. The steps to highlight the duplicate cells in an Excel worksheet are listed below:

Open the Excel worksheet in which you want to find and highlight the duplicate cells. I have created sample data of marks scored by 10 students in different subjects.

Now, you have to select the rows and the columns, the duplicate cells of which you want to highlight.

After that, click on Home and go to “Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.” This will open a new popup window.

highlight duplicate cells in excel 1

In the popup window, you can select different types of highlighting options, by clicking on the drop-down menu.

For example, you can highlight the duplicate cells with red, yellow, and green colors, etc. Moreover, if you do not want to fill the entire cells with color, you can highlight their borders or texts only. A custom format option is also available there, which you can select to highlight the duplicate cells with your favorite color. When you are done, click OK. After that, Excel will highlight all the duplicate cells in the selected rows and columns.

How to find and highlight Duplicate Cells in Excel

If you want to revert the changes, follow the below-listed procedure:

  1. First, select the rows and columns in the Excel worksheet.
  2. Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Clear Rules > Clear Rules from Selected Cells.

If you select the “Clear Rules from Entire Sheet” option, it will clear the highlighted cells from the entire Excel sheet.

That’s it.

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highlight duplicate cells in excel

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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